Credits for dust jacket on the hardcover. Dust jacket artwork used as cover for softcover book. The hardcover has a cloth binding with story title & Hitler cat logo on cover.
Copyright 1973, 1980-1986 by Art Spiegelman.
Softcover ISBN: 679-73974-2. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: D810.J4S643 1986 940.53'15'03924024 86-42642.
Actual publication date on rear inside dust jacket flap for Issue #1 printing when sold as a set. Copyright 1991 by Random House, Inc. Issue #1 also printed in November 1991 when both volumes sold as part of the set.
The indicia states: "Chapter 1 through 6 appeared, in a somewhat different form, in Raw magazine between 1980 and 1985." Notwithstanding that statement, the changes for the most part were extremely minor, with only the occasional tweaked panel. For the most part the stories are as shown in the original, though here they are printed somewhat larger. Every story here also includes a reprint of the front cover to the original RAW Maus pamphlet insert, but not the back cover.
On sale date from the publication date reported to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Public Catalog, Copyright Catalog (1978 to present) online ( retrieved 15 August 2015. Registration date: 11 December 1986. Copyright registration number: VA0000255379. Copyright Claimant:Art Spiegelman.