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Issue: Supermann #2/1991
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagSemic
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: SEMIC/nordisk forlag AS
On Sale Date: 03/05/1991
Volume: none
Pages: 52
UPC/EAN: 7023060903046
Price: Kr.15,00 NOK
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 3 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Kjell T. Johnsen (i redaksjonen)
Disclose Notes: bc 304 02. Super-universet #54. Sats: TT Grafisk. Trykt i Ungarn.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: farger
Dimensions: 17 x 26cm
Paper Stock:  
Binding: stiftet
Publishing Format:  
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Hvor er Supermann?

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Jerry Ordway
Jerry Ordway
Subject Matter
Supermann [Clark Kent]
FlagAdventures of Superman #451 [Direct] published February 1989
was Where is Superman? [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Når katten er borte

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Roger Stern; Jerry Ordway; Jens E. Røsåsen (oversetter)
Kerry Gammill; Jerry Ordway
Brett Breeding; Jerry Ordway
Subject Matter
Supermann [Clark Kent]; Perry White; Morgan Edge; Cat Grant; Lex Luthor; Brainiac [Milton Fine; Vril Dox]; Kelly Happersen; Matt Stockton; Amanda McCoy; inspektør Bill Henderson; Bob Nenno; Myra; Matrix [Superpiken; Supergirl]; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Toby Raynes; Jerry White; Tammy; Professor Emil Hamilton
FlagSuperman #28 [Direct] published February 1989
was Superman in Exile [Story on Interior Page(s)]5 pages
FlagAdventures of Superman #451 [Direct] published February 1989
was Dangerous Ground [Story on Interior Page(s)]12 pages
FlagAdventures of Superman #453 [Direct] published April 1989
was Apparitions [Story on Interior Page(s)]2 pages
FlagSuperman #30 [Direct] published April 1989
was Alone! [Story on Interior Page(s)]4 pages
FlagSuperman #31 [Direct] published May 1989
was Hostile Takeover, Part III: Poison Pill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]1 page
I rekkefølge er sidene fra Superman #28: side 6, 10, 30, Superman #30: 4 sider ?, Superman #31 del 2: side 4, Adventures of Superman #451: side 5-7, 11, 12, 15-21, Adventures of Superman #453: side 4, 5.
Danser musene på bordet!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Tom Peyer (co-plotter); Roger Stern (co-plotter; script); Jerry Ordway; Jens E. Røsåsen (oversetter)
Paris Cullins; Jerry Ordway
Dennis Janke; Jerry Ordway
Subject Matter
Supermann [Clark Kent]; Mr. Mxyzptlk; Lex Luthor; Vekko; Amanda McCoy; Dan Turpin; kaptein Maggie Sawyer; Cat Grant; Adam Morgan; Morgan Edge; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Matrix [Superpiken; Supergirl]
FlagAdventures of Superman #453 [Direct] published April 1989
was Apparitions [Story on Interior Page(s)]1 page
FlagAdventures of Superman #454 [Direct] published May 1989
was Wayfarer [Story on Interior Page(s)]8 pages
FlagSuperman #31 [Direct] published May 1989
was As Good As His Word! [Story on Interior Page(s)]14 pages
I rekkefølge er sidene fra Superman #31: side 1-14, Adventures of Superman #454: side 5-12, Adventures of Superman #453; side 14.

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