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Issue: Kato of the Green Hornet #4
Publication Date: February 1992
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagNow
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: NOW Comics
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $2.95 CAD
$2.50 USD
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Content Items: 5 (1 story, 1 cover)
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: limited series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In1
Some/all of Issue reprinted as a Content Item in another Issue:
Disclose Reprinted From1
reprinted from some/all another Issue.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
martial arts
Kato of the Green Hornet
Hayashi Kato
Demon Sword

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
espionage, martial arts
Kato of the Green Hornet
Hayashi Kato (next chronological appearance in Green Hornet, NOW, 1989 series a.k.a. V.1, #11); Sifu Ho (death); Ulysses Chow; Tam Lam; Tong Loo; Cat Ng (villain); Carter Lin (villain; death?); Coral (villain); Jade (villain); Chinese Communist officials & troops (villains)
Continued from last issue: Filming resumes with Carter directing. Trying to explain to Kato his character's motivation for fighting Cat Ng's character, Lin puts himself into that role and says, "Fight me!" Hayashi does so, leaving him sprawled on the ground. Ng (saying Lin has been killed) takes over. Kato maneuvers the fight scene to a temple wall overlooking a high precipice. Ng orders him to return to the filming, but he threatens to jump if his own staff (Ulysses Chow and Tam Lam) aren't put back to work. Meanwhile, Chow has freed Tam from her cell, but while he wants to follow Kato's instructions and go after Sifu Ho, she insists on simply getting out. However, her chosen escape route leads them right into PRC troops. They are taken to Ng who threatens to kill the woman if Kato does not return to work, but he jumps! Unseen and presumed dead by the others, Hayashi has concealed himself within a recess in the wall, where a loose brick opens a door to a passageway. This leads to a room where he finds what appears to be the Demon Sword. Coral and Jade have been ordered to get Ho to reveal all the secret passages of the temple to prevent any more escapes, but they declare him dead. They leave him, Hayashi enters from a hidden passage, and Ho speaks to him, an old yoga technique having fooled everyone. The ancient man tells Kato that the gong must be rung with the demon blade, but admits he knows nothing about the duplicate sword Hayashi has found. Then he DOES die. In the corridor, Kato takes out three soldiers, but Ng, carrying HIS Demon Sword, and several more troops show up. The two begin fighting with their swords, and the bout soon works its way outdoors. Hayashi goads Ng into fighting without weapons, and as they drop the swords, Kato calls out to Ulysses that the gong must be rung. Chow tells a captain that wardrobe wants the sword back, but instead runs with it (which one?) to the gong, strikes it, and an earthquake happens. Hayashi defeats Ng, the party officials are said to have left when Kato escaped (but he appeared to have committed suicide, not escaped; furthermore, the military presence is not mentioned), Tong Loo becomes the temple's head abbott (stating that the earthquake was a coincidence and there is no magic), and Kato agrees to introduce Coral and Jade to some "rich American [movie] producers," since he knows some that he hates that much.
Carter's surname is again spelled Linn in this story; the creative team are credited by last names only; Hayashi Kato received a second solo miniseries, Kato of the Green Hornet II, two issues dated November and December 1992.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Hayashi Kato; Tong Loo
Letters from readers Jerry Smith, Jan C. Childress and Delmo (The Saint) Walters, Jr., with editor's responses.
FlagKato of the Green Hornet #2 published December 1991Panel three of page 20 and panel seven of page 17, both in black and white
There is an orange background with red in the logo; the reply to the final letter contains the statement that the events of this miniseries take place sometime between Green Hornet, 1989 series aka V.1, #s 6 and 10, while Mishi Kato was the partner of the modern Green Hornet.

There is some artwork from issue #2 reproduced here, specifically panel three of page 20 and panel seven of page 17, both in black and white.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
NOW Newsflash
Britt Reid I; Ikano Kato
An essay about NOW Comics' presence on the comics convention circuit, listings for five comics "on sale now," and one panel with added thought balloon for humorous effect, stamped "Reject" and captioned as having "almost slipped by." There is also the usual boxed list of NOW staffers.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
NOW Better Than Ever!
Green Hornet IV; Kato II; Kelly Bundy; two Real Ghostbusters; Kato II; Green Hornet II; Green Hornet IV; Kato II; Mishi Kato; Britt Reid II
Listings for six "January 1992 releases" (including Green Hornet, 1991 series a.k.a. V.2, #1--"Limited Supply!") from NOW, with cover repros, creative team credits and synopses.
The expressed nature of this feature and the presence of an entry for Green Hornet V.2, #1 along with another for the same series' #7, indicates an additional printing for the earlier comic; this feature appeared on the back cover of most NOW comics of this cover date. Highlights covers of six "January 1992 releases" from NOW Comics.

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