Subject Matter
Alpha Flight [Guardian [Heather Hudson]; Sasquatch; Aurora; Northstar; Weapon Omega [Wildchild]; Box [Madison Jeffries]; Puck; Windshear; Talisman]; Beta Flight [Manikin; Witchfire; Persuasion [Purple Girl]; Goblyn; Laura Dean]; Cyclops; Master of the World (villain); Firebug (villain); Ska'r (villain); Omega Flight [Miss Mass; Brain Drain; Bile; Tech-Noir; Strongarm; Sinew] (villains, introduction for all); Iceman (cameo); Speedball (cameo); Hulk (cameo); Captain America [Steve Rogers] (cameo); Hercules (cameo); Sersi (cameo); Black Knight [Dane Whitman] (cameo); Strong Guy [Guido] (cameo)
First Line:
Let me tell you of the Ska'r.
Talisman is out shopping when she is attacked by the Master's new Omega Flight. They force her to release the alien Ska'r into the world. Gamma Flight is out for a night on the town when all of Toronto goes on a rampage. Alpha Flight sits and waits with other heroes for the next phase of the Infinity War.
Reprint Notes:
Letters page responses to AF #106--the issue where Northstar comes out as gay--includes letters by a member of GLAD and a member of the KKK; Infinity War crossover; For a complete list of Infinity War crossover comics, please see the series info page for the Infinity War limited series.