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Issue: Race for the Moon #7
Publication Date: January 1963
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagThorpe & Porter
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Top Sellers Ltd.
On Sale Date: 1963
Volume: none
Pages: 68
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: 12.0 pence GBQ 0-1-0
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 18 (12 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Year extrapolated from advert for Race for the Moon comics in Flash (Thorpe & Porter, 1962 series) issues 1 & 2 http://www.xowcomics.com/cover_detail.htm?issue_id=760804 and advert in Race for the Moon (Thorpe & Porter) issue 22 http://www.xowcomics.com/cover_detail.htm?issue_id=515291 offering a set of compendium LPs with songs issued and current in 1964 - 65.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Colour Cover; Black & White Interior
Dimensions: 9.5" x 7"
Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior
Binding: Perfect Bound
Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From2
Some/all of 2 other Issues reprinted as/in this Issue:
FlagMystery in Space #6 published January 1959 The interior pages are a complete reprint of Mystery in Space #6 although in a different order. The cover illustration and cover advertisements are different.
FlagMystery in Space #6 published January 1959 The interior pages are a complete reprint of Mystery in Space #6 although in a different order. The cover illustration and cover advertisements are different.
Disclose Images3
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Skewed Scan

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Skewed Scan

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
science fiction
...Hello Earth, I've found it, but something funny's going on...

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Cannon Records
You can top the charts every month and be the life of any party when you collect
Advert for Cannon Records. Offering "6 Top Pops all on one disc" "Every month for only 5/11" [0-5-11 GBP] "New titles every month" "Up to 14 minutes playing time" "Stars of 'Easy Beat' and 'Saturday Club'" "Superb quality - Fantastic Value" "Available at all good newsagents and record shops" "Available at all good newsagents or in case of difficulty write to:- Thorpe & Porter Ltd 39 Upper Brook St. London W1"
On inside front cover.
Amazing Space-Flight of North America!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Rax-Jun; Professor Lloyd Ashton
How big do you imagine space ships of the future will be...
Three billion years ago Rax-Jun carries the only sample of Zynex which will stop the destruction of the Universe in the far future. Suddenly his spaceship starts crumbling. He buries the Zynex on a nearby planet and cuts a sign on to it. Present day aliens visit Earth and tell the United Nations that the continent of North America is the sign as the destruction of the Universe is starting in the North America Nebula. The continent is lifted off Earth and taken to the nebula. Lloyd Ashton determines that the Zynex is buried in a position that precisely matches the unstable star in the nebula.
The Dragon of Times Square

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction
Sir Gawain; Miss Brown (showgirl); Monaghan (beat patrolman); Frank (patrolman); Jim (patrolman); Pete (patrolman); Professor Caxton (astronomer, mentioned in TV report)
New York City is full of wonders...
Sir Gawain is fighting a dragon in King Arthur's time when he and the dragon are transported to modern-day New York City by a bolt of lightning.
Riddle of the Glowing Space-Cabby!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Space Cabby
Space Cabby
As a space-cabby I often work long hours... and like it!
Space cabby is suffering from toothache again after having a filling that morning. He steps outside his cab and starts glowing and feeling dizzy, this disappears when gets back in. He has to take passengers, drink, eat and sleep in his cab. Because he can't go to the bank his money bag fills up and a thief notices it. The thief forces cabby to an asteroid and then makes his escape taunting cabby that he can't chase him. Suddenly cabby catches the thief and captures him. He has worked out that the mercury in his tooth filling was being affected by a faulty mercury vapour door lamp.
All spellings of space-cabby in this story are hyphenated.

In the third panel on page 5 Bernard Sachs has forgotten to draw the head covering on the thief.
Wonders of Space

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
non-fiction, science and technology
With the exception of Mercury, Venus, and possibly Pluto, all the planets of our solar system have moons - or satellites - revolving around them.
Text article giving a round-up and history of the then known moons in the solar system.
The original page used to make the plate for printing this page is poor with black marks and a very visible cut line along bottom.

Cartoon  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
non-fiction, science and technology
Mysteries in Space!
Just as the Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun...
Four panels offering information on how many times the solar system has revolved around the Milky Way galaxy, how many novae are seen each year, how many galaxies the 200-inch Mt. Palomar telescope can see and what the combined diameter of Mars's two moons Phobos and Deimos is.
Invaders of the Dark

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Jerry Boyle; Mr. Stokes (diner proprietor); Ma Kinder (rented room provider - mentioned)
It was unbelievable-- like something out of a ghastly fairy tale!
Jerry Boyle sits next to a strange man on the train. At Freeburgh he has a meal and as he leaves Stokes sees him glowing. Stokes takes the sheriff to show him the glowing man. As Boyle switches the light off he does indeed glow. The townspeople blame Boyle for the glowing which has spread but then the stranger appears and says it's his fault. They chase the stranger but lose him in a bright carnival. Boyle then finds the stranger by himself. The stranger reveals that the glowing will soon disappear. He is searching for another world for his people and that he now must try another world.
Menace of the Falling Moon!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Burt Barton (rare book detective); Hiram Oakley (wealthy book collector); Otis Todd (book shop owner); Miss J. James (chief librarian); Henry Logan (book reviewer); Art Forrest (science fiction collector); Jed Jackson
Burt Barton, tracer of lost books, was given the assignment of tracking down the rarest book on Earth...
Oakley wants a science fiction book called "Menace of the Falling Moon". Barton tries various sources without success. Art Forest tells him that the story concerns moon people landing in a town called Tanville. The moon needs stabilizing and they have to set up a repeller machine there. Jed Jackson is difficult to persuade but eventually believes them. The machine is put in place. Barton realizes that everyone he has spoken to comes from Brownville. He goes there and finds the story is true. The job is nearly finished. Barton's memory is changed to believe that he has read the story as well.
Prisoners of the Tiny Universe

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Deep into the limitless void hurtled the two men...
Scientists have created a tiny duplicate of the solar system and are showing it to a newspaper reporter. The duplicate is behaving independently when suddenly the miniature sun starts flaring. It will soon explode. Not far away a policeman chases a thief who has stolen valuable medical Radium into the laboratory. Both plunge into the experiment and shrink at the same time. The thief still tries to escape the policeman but eventually is overpowered. Now the problem is that the unstable sun is filling the experiment with smoke. The policeman puts some Radium out so they can be seen and rescued.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Are you ready for the seance, gentlemen?
Moolah demonstrates his powers at a seance by levitating a table. He tells two onlookers that he cannot reveal the secret of levitation. He offers to drop the onlookers off somewhere and then they decide to eat. A policeman tells Moolah he can't park next to fire hydrant, he has to be fifteen feet away. Moolah levitates the vehicle fifteen feet into the air!
There is a #11 under Boltinoff's signature. Unsure if this is the number of the Moolah feature (likely) or a job number. Most Boltinoff job numbers were four digits.
Earthman, Go Home!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Bruce Barton; Ozz Koom; Zol Koom (ancestor of Ozz Koom)
From the moment the Earthman set foot on the frosty world, his life was in constant danger!
Space salesman Bruce Barton has landed on a new planet hoping to trade but the first native he sees runs away. He follows but is attacked by ice spears, a quicksand trap and exploding fruit. Leaving the planet he talks with Martian salesman Ozz Koom and tells him to avoid the planet. Ozz Koom tells him the story of his ancestor who visited Earth in 1900 and mistook many signs as hostile and it wasn't until an Earthman reached Mars in 1966 that this was realised. Thinking about his experience Barton realises he could have been mistaken as well. Ozz Koom lands and tries, this time with success.
The Mirage Beneath the Sea

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Frank Barston; King Neptune
From the murky floor of the ocean they came, to punish Frank Barston for his infamous crime!
Frank Barston thinks he sees King Neptune when he is diving to illegally recover some salvage. His evil partner Dick knows it is rapture from the depths (nitrogen narcosis) but doesn't tell him directly and plots to scare him out of the treasure. However Barston overhears this. Later, when King Neptune arrives Barton gives him the treasure and then attempts to shoot Dick who he thinks is dressed as Neptune. But it is not Dick, who has been arrested earlier. So it must have been the real Neptune. The next morning the newspaper reports that the salvage has been left with the rightful owner.
Who Is This Stranger?

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
I stared blankly at the hotel register.
A man can't remember who he is. All he can remember is a terrific explosion and then wandering around town hoping someone would know him. There is a photograph of him in a newspaper and a report of him walking through a brick wall. So, he must be an alien. The man goes walking at night in Hersey Meadows which are somehow familiar. Then he sees a spaceship and standing in front is his twin! Using telepathy the twin apologises. He is from Mars and his ship had crashed knocking the man out. While it was being repaired he borrowed the man's identity. So, the man belongs to planet Earth.
The Phony Space Ships

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
non-fiction, science and technology
One page article explaining how photographs can be faked to produce images purporting to be alien spacecraft.
The Artificial Twin!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Peggy Peters; John Peters (Peggy's father - deceased); Dirk; Horton Mayo; Jenkins (butler)
The most incredible feat in world history had been performed--the duplication of a human being!
Peggy Masters' father's last wish was that scientist Horton Mayo be removed from his property. But Mayo has invented a duplicating ray and makes a copy of Peggy so he can stay and also be the beneficiary of the money. Dirk is engaged to Peggy and is puzzled when she changes her mind about marriage and the money and investigates. The real Peggy escapes and explains all to Dirk. There is a fight and the duplicator is destroyed. Mayo is stopped just in time from withdrawing all the money.
Which has the ATLAS BUILT BODY?

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Charles Atlas
Charles Atlas
Body-building ad.
Inside Back Cover.
Fear No Man

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Learn "Ketsugo" complete Self-Defense
On outside back cover.

Advert promoting Ketsugo which combines the unbeatable fighting arts of Aikido, Yawara, Ate-Waza, Karate, Savate and Judo.

Advert tailored for UK readers. Price 4/6 [0-4-6 GBP], includes 1/- [0-1-0 GBP] postage and packing. London address.

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