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Issue: Black Hood #[nn]
Publication Date: January 1944
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Brand: none
Indicia Publisher: Howard Publications
On Sale Date: 1944
Volume: none
Pages: 52
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 CAD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 13 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Harry Shorten (original editor); F. E. Howard ? (reprint editor)
Disclose Notes: Indexed from scanned copy that appears to be missing inside back cover (possibly blank?).

Indicia for issue states "Comics published and printed in Canada by Howard Publications, 7 Wellwood Ave., Toronto, Canada."

See Capt. Commando Comics for similar reprints from the same publisher.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: colour cover; black and white interior
Dimensions: standard Golden Age US
Paper Stock:  
Publishing Format: one-shot
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The House That Crime Built

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Clem Weisbecker (see notes)
Gil Kane ? (see notes)
Subject Matter
Black Hood
The Black Hood
FlagPep Comics #49 published June 1944
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Cover is from first page of story in Pep Comics #49. Artwork is signed in the original but signatures have been eliminated from this reprinting.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
FEH Leads the Way
A man with an FEH Logo for a head is the skipper of a rowing crew where other comics are the rowers.
FlagPep Comics #48 published May 1944
Modified from the original by replacing the MLJ Logo with a crudely drawn FEH Logo. Also includes indicia stating that book is "published and printed in Canada by Howard Publications".
The House That Crime Built

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Clem Weisbecker [as Clem]; ?
Gil Kane ? [as Pen]; ?
Subject Matter
Black Hood
Mary Hawkins (Introduction, Villain, Death); The Black Hood
Narrated by "the house that crime built", this is the story of Black Hood solving a crime at a house built in 1821 with a history of crimes being committed in it.
FlagPep Comics #49 published June 1944
was The House That Crime Built [Story on Interior Page(s)]
First page image also used as cover. Modified from the original in the following ways: 1) One page deleted (page 8 from the original). 2) Pages 2,7 and new page 8 (original page 9) have been completely re-drawn. It appears as though they have been crudely traced from the original, perhaps the printing plates were not available for these pages?
Archie Is Good for What Ails You!

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Bill Vigoda ?
Bill Vigoda (see notes)
Bill Vigoda (see notes)
Subject Matter
Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Veronica Lodge
Promo for Archie Andrews radio show on WOR Mutual.
FlagPep Comics #49 published June 1944
was Archie Is Good for What Ails You! [Promotional Material (from Publisher) on Interior Page(s)]
Artwork is signed in original printing but signatures have been eliminated for this reprint.
Aboard the NARCISSUS] ["But But -- I can explain everything, Mr. Weatherbee, honest!"

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ed Goggin
Harry Sahle [as Sahle]; ?
Virginia Drury [as Ginger]; ?
Subject Matter
Archie Andrews; Mr. Weatherbee; Miss Grundy; Reggie; Jughead Jones; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge
Mr. Weatherbee uses his latest readings in Child Psycology and gives Archie responsibility for a school picnic aboard a boat. Archie accidentally charters a garbage scow, but everything turns out all right in the end.
FlagPep Comics #49 published June 1944
was Aboard the Narcissus [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Modified from the original in the following ways: 1) 2 pages have been deleted (original page 2 and 3) These two pages contained the part of the story where Archie is caught trying to play a prank on Reggie and sent to the principal's office. 2) Pages 3 (original page 5), 5 (original page 7) and 7 (original page 9) have been completely re-drawn. It appears as though they have been crudely traced from the original, perhaps the printing plates were not available for these pages?
The Landgoing Tugboat] ["Ahoy mate!"

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Larry Harris (see note)
Larry Harris (see note)
Larry Harris (see note)
Subject Matter
Catfish Joe
Captain Barney Keel (introduction); Catfish Joe; Kitty Keel; Gabby
Captain Barney Keel is driving a tugboat along the land when a dam breaks and he and Catfish Joe find themselves floating around on a newly created lake rescuing animals.
FlagPep Comics #46 published February 1944
was The Landgoing Tugboat] ["Ahoy mate!" [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Artwork is signed in original printing but signatures have been eliminated for this reprint.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
I'm Jim Crow, hello!
Three fun facts about animals as submitted by readers. Address says to submit to "Catfish Joe", so presumably this was a sub-feature of that strip.
FlagPep Comics #46 published February 1944
was [untitled] [Cartoon on Interior Page(s)]
When reprinted in Black Hood, all the addresses of the kids who submitted the stories were changed to Canadian cities to make it seem more home-grown. 160 West Broadway New York, New York (the address to send letters to was changed to 160 West 21st Street, Calgary.
Tales of a Safety Pin

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Irv Novick ?
Irv Novick ?
Subject Matter
Silky Malone (villain, introduction); Miser (villain, introduction); The Shield; Dusty
A safety-pin that seems to be followed by bad luck helps The Shield and Dusty solve a crime.
FlagPep Comics #46 published February 1944
was Tales of a Safety Pin [Story on Interior Page(s)]
In the reprint, The Shield's costume has been changed from stars and stripes to a Union Jack.

Activity  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Pep's Puzzle Page
Our little friend, here, was playing cops and robbers...
A maze with a copy of Super Comics at the center, a man holding a sign with scrambled letters and how to draw a face.
FlagPep Comics #48 published May 1944
was [untitled] [Activity on Interior Page(s)]
Name of comic in the puzzle page has been changed from Pep to Super (since Pep was not published by F.E. Howard).
Marriage of the Medusa] ["Funny, Snooch I'd swear I've pulled this pirate out..."

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Carl Hubbell ?
Carl Hubbell (signed)
Carl Hubbell (signed)
Subject Matter
historical, humorous
Marco Loco
The Medusa (Introduction, villain); Snooch; Marco Loco
Marco Loco and Snooch are hypnotised by the Medusa but then capture her and take her to the King to collect a reward.
FlagPep Comics #46 published February 1944
was Marriage of the Medusa] ["Funny, Snooch I'd swear I've pulled this pirate out..." [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Artwork is signed in original printing but signatures have been eliminated for this reprint. The last panel in the original has a "coming next issue" box that has been eliminated in the reprint.
Do You Know???

Activity  on  Interior Page(s)
Chuck Purvis (credited, see note); Ed Goggin (actual)
Chuck Purvis (credited, see note); Ed Goggin (actual)
Chuck Purvis (credited, see note); Ed Goggin (actual)
Subject Matter
Four trick questions and answers including how to tell the left bank of a river from the right bank.
FlagPep Comics #48 published May 1944
was Do You Know??? [Activity on Interior Page(s)]
Title block in the original states "By Ed Goggin", but has been relettered in reprint to be "By Chuck Purvis". No other evidence of Chuck Purvis working in comics. Speculation that he re-lettered and redrew any pages that needed to be worked on for this reprint.
The Bear Cub

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Dave Higgins ?
Dave Higgins (see notes)
Dave Higgins (see notes)
Subject Matter
Li'l Chief Bugaboo
Li'l Chief Bugaboo; Fido
Li'l Chief Bugaboo and Fido find a bear cub and accidentally anger its mom.
FlagPep Comics #47 published March 1944
FlagPep Comics #46 published February 1944
was The Bear Cub] ["Bugaboo and Fido the friendly mountain lion are off once more in search of adventure in the forest!!!" [Story on Interior Page(s)]all but first panel
Artwork is signed in original printing but signatures have been eliminated for this reprint. First panel taken from another story to replace first panel of this one. No obvious reason why the publisher would have done this.
Earlier indexer felt this was written by Theresa Woik [Szenics]. She is not known to have written any comics, but is known for inking and lettering.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Bill Vigoda (see notes)
Bill Vigoda (see notes)
Subject Matter
Black Hood
I see the thrills of a lifetime in store for you.
A witch looks in her crystal ball and sees a new comic called Black Hood now on sale.
FlagPep Comics #48 published May 1944
was [untitled] [Promotional Material (from Publisher) on Interior Page(s)]
On back cover of comic. Original was signed, but signature has been eliminated from reprint. Also text has been changed to reference Super Comics and the last bit of the speech bubble stating to get them "before they're all gone" has been eliminated.

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