Subject Matter
The X Society [Emma Frost (Earth-889); Scott Summers (Earth-889); Hank McCoy (Earth-889); Logan (Earth-889)];
Agent X-13
This story follows what would have happened if Agent X-13's request to target Earth-889, mentioned in passing the previous story, had been granted. Earth 889 is a Victorian Steampunk reality, in which Miss Emma Frost leads the X Society from her mansion in New Portsmouth (Earth 889's San Francisco). The X Society are called to investigate a burning body along the lines of the story in Astonishing X-Men #25. Using their superior aircraft, they catch up with Agent X-13, but a mishap involving his fireballs and Logan's claws cause a fatal dirigible explosion and crash. As a result, the previously respected X Society becomes hated and feared overnight, with mechanical "sentinels" posted outside of Miss Frost's mansion. Tiring of this situation, Miss Frost speculates that she may decamp to Europe, and possibly even allow Scott to marry her as he has long desired.
Reprint Notes:
The title does indeed state "an Journal" and not "a Journal". Also, there is no hyphen in "X Society".