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Issue: All-Winners Comics #21
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Indicia Publisher: Young Allies Inc.
On Sale Date: 12/08/1946
Volume: 1
Pages: 52
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 10 (8 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Stan Lee
Disclose Notes: ALL WINNERS COMICS is published quarterly by YOUNG ALLIES, INC. Office of Publication, 169 Pratt Street, Meriden, Conn. Editorial Offices 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1, N.Y. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Meriden, Conn. under the Act of March 1, 1879. Copyright 1946 by YOUNG ALLIES, INC. 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1, N.Y. Vol. 1, No. 21 Winter 1946-7 issue. Price $.40 per year. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions appearing in this magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. Published in the U.S.A.

The on-sale date is from the publication date recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Series, Vol. 1, Part 2, Nos. 1&2, Periodicals, 1946-1947.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US
Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior
Binding: Saddle-Stitched
Publishing Format:  
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The Riddle of the Demented Dwarf!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Syd Shores
Subject Matter
All-Winners Squad
The All-Winners Squad [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Bucky [Bucky Barnes]; Namor the Sub-Mariner [Prince Namor]; Miss America [Madeline Joyce]; Whizzer [Robert Frank]; Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro [Thomas Raymond]]; Human Torch [Jim Hammond] (inset); Future Man
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #18 published January 1969
as All Winners Comics #21 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [All-Winners Comics #21] The Riddle of the Demented Dwarf! [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
Menace from the Future World! [Chapter 1]

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Syd Shores
Subject Matter
All-Winners Squad
The All-Winners Squad [Captain America [Steve Rogers] (see note in Chapter 7); Bucky [Bucky Barnes] (see note in Chapter 7); Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro [Thomas Raymond]]; Miss America [Madeline Joyce]; Whizzer [Robert Frank]; Namor the Sub-Mariner [Prince Namor]]; Future Man (villain, introduction); Madame Death (villain, introduction)
Cap calls the All-Winners Squad together to deal with the threat of Future Man, a person from the far future, who has come back to the 20th Century, enlisting the aid of Madame Death and her gang along the way, to pave the way for the migration of his people to Earth, whose sole purpose is to wipe out mankind of today!
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #17 published November 1968
as Menace from the Future World! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as Menace From the Future World! [Chapter 1] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The masthead on the splash page reads "All Winners".
[Menace from the Future World!, Chapter 2] The Green Plague!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Syd Shores
Subject Matter
Captain America
Captain America [Steve Rogers] (see note in Chapter 7); Bucky [Bucky Barnes] (see note in Chapter 7); Professor Yalder (scientist, death); Future Man (villain); Madame Death (villain)
Cap and Bucky arrive in Europe and begin their search for Future Man and Madame Death, who are already in central Europe and have secured a laboratory in which they plan to make Germ Bombs out of future germs unknown in this world to kill off the inhabitants.
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #17 published November 1968
as Menace from the Future World! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [Menace From the Future World!, Chapter 2] The Green Plague! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
[Menace from the Future World!, Chapter 3] Murder in Slow Motion!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Syd Shores; Allen Bellman; ?
Subject Matter
The Whizzer
The Whizzer [Robert Frank]; Future Man (villain); Madame Death (villain); the Stiletto Gang (villains, introduction for all)
After their close call in Europe, Madame Death and Future Man head for Diablo Crater in South America and meet up with the Stiletto Gang, on whom Future Man will use mental waves to seize control of their minds, allowing them to do many scientific feats. Future Man also creates a Slow-Down Machine, whose rays, when played on the populace and the Whizzer, slows them down so they become easy prey for the Stiletto Gang.
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #17 published November 1968
as Menace from the Future World! [Story on Interior Page(s)]concluded next issue
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [Menace From the Future World!, Chapter 3] Murder in Slow Motion! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
[Menace from the Future World!, Chapter 4] Wave of Destruction!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Subject Matter
Namor the Sub-Mariner [Prince Namor]; unnamed Mermaid; Future Man (villain); Madame Death (villain); the Pacific Pirates (villains, introduction for all)
Namor arrives in Asia along the China coast, and soon discovers the presence of the Pacific Pirates, modern day raiders who use a submarine as their weapon of attack. They are secretly saved from Namor and enlisted by Madame Death and Future Man to help create a massive tidal wave that will wipe out most of the population of Asia.
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #18 published January 1969
as Wave of Destruction! [Chapter 4] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [Menace From the Future World!, Chapter 4] Wave of Destruction! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Masterworks edition lists all art credits as unknown.
Holiday for Murder

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
? (spot illustration)
? (spot illustration)
Subject Matter
Davey Stanford; Mr. Coburn; Simmons (villain, hotel manager); un-named roulette table operator (villain)
Staying for a short while at a hotel at a Beachwood Resort, young adventurer Davey Stanford witnesses a scene in the hotel's casino in which a patron accuses the owner of a fixed roulette wheel, demanding his money back. As the evening drags on, Davey is positive that the man will never get his money back, but probably will be murdered!
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as Holiday for Murder [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
[Menace from the Future World!, Chapter 5] The Living Dead!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Syd Shores; ?
Subject Matter
Miss America
Miss America [Madeline Joyce]; Future Man (villain); Madame Death (villain); living mummies (villains, introduction, all die)
Miss America, while flying over the continent of Africa, notices a caravan below being attacked apparently by living mummies. The mummies have been revived by Future Man's "life battery", which has been converted to give off "life currents", allowing the villain to use thousands of these mummies from unknown tombs to sweep, like an Army, over the entire continent, wiping out all living souls.
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #18 published January 1969
as The Living Dead! [Chapter 5] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [Menace From the Future World!, Chapter 5] The Living Dead! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
[Menace from the Future World!, Chapter 6] Flames of Fury!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Syd Shores; ?
Subject Matter
The Human Torch
The Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro [Thomas Raymond]; Future Man (villain); Madame Death (villain); desert gang of badmen (villains, introduction for all)
Future Man uses a common incendiary bomb to start a huge forest fire in North America for the purpose of decoying the Torch and Toro long enough so that he and Madame Death can enlist the aid of desert badmen, who supply the villains with Uranium-235 so that they can produce an atomic match.....a match that will burn anything that has atoms.
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #18 published January 1969
as Flames of Fury! [Chapter 6] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [Menace From the Future World!, Chapter 6] Flames of Fury! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Get Hep to Miss America Teen Life

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
?; ? (photo)
?; ? (photo)
Subject Matter
Miss America magazine
Patsy Walker
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as Get Hep to Miss America Teen Life [Promotional Material (from Publisher) on Interior Page(s)]
[Menace from the Future World!, Chapter 7] War between the Worlds!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Otto Binder
Subject Matter
All-Winners Squad
The All-Winners Squad [Captain America [Steve Rogers] (see note); Bucky [Bucky Barnes] (see note); Miss America [Madeline Joyce]; Whizzer [Robert Frank]; Namor the Sub-Mariner [Prince Namor]; Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro [Thomas Raymond]]; Future Man (villain); Madame Death (villain)
When Future Man is seemingly stopped at every turn by the All-Winners Squad members, he threatens to make a call for help into the future, requesting hundreds of future men be sent by giant spaceships armed with Neutronic Bombs! However, the Squad attacks before this can happen, and, by a quirk of fate, controls on the villain's ship are locked to keep going far in the past, thus ending the threat of future attackers.
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #18 published January 1969
as War Between the Worlds! [Chapter 7] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners Comics #4 [Regular Edition] published November 2011
as [Menace From the Future World!, Chapter 7] War Between the Worlds! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The masthead of the splash page has NO feature title. The Masterworks edition lists all art credits as unknown.
The next appearance of the Whizzer and Miss America is in Giant-Size Avengers (Marvel, 1974 series) #1.
The next All-Winners Squad story is in What If? (Marvel, 1977 series) #4, which occurs chronologically before this one and retroactively establishes that the post-war Captain America and Bucky here are Jeff Mace (a.k.a. The Patriot) and Fred Davis.
The next chronological appearance of the All-Winners Squad, Future Man and Madame Death is in All Winners Comics 70th Anniversary Special (Marvel, 2009 series) #1.

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