Subject Matter
science fiction
Craig Robinson; June Robinson; Tim Robinson; Tam Robinson; Clancy (dog); Yakker (parrot); Regnar (Kormat alien); Kormat guards; Dreephars (alien prisoners); Kormat soldiers; Kormat commanding officer
First Line:
The space station, manned by the scientists Craig and June Robinson, and their teen-age son and daughter, has broken loose from its Earth orbit and is now adrift in trackless space...
The Kormats commandeer Space Station One to transport five Dreephar prisoners to the Kormat homeworld. The Dreephars take advantage of the unique conditions of the space station to change themselves to a semi-liquid form and take over the station.
Reprint Notes:
Connection with the Lost in Space television series: "The Prisoners of Space" (1966) was the title of Season 2, Episode 6.
Artist Dan Spiegle's signature appears in the story's final panel.
This story contains two dialogue balloon spelling errors:
Page 20, panel 2: Tim Robinson: "The Dreephars are trying to force the hatch from the air DUCK!" [duct]
Page 22, panel 4: June Robinson refers to the alien prisoners as "Dreephers". rather than Dreephars.
These errors were carried over from the original printing in Space Family Robinson Lost in Space (Western, 1966 Series) #16 (April 1966).