Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Vril Dox; Captain Comet; Adam Strange; Amon Hakk; Bounder; Garv; Rocky; Strata; Kanjar Ro; Dominator Fleet Admiral [Xylon]; Tribulus; Captain Ciji; Wildstar; Black Lantern Stealth; Sinestro (transmission); Sinestro Corpsmen [Meershom; Malia; unnamed helmeted corpsman]; Black Lantern Harbinger; Brainiac 3 [Lyrl Dox]; Starro the Conqueror; Smite; Black Lantern Chronar; Black Lantern Acarinus; Black Lantern Limina; Black Lantern Blackfang; Black Lantern Brunt
Using his Sinestro Corps ring, Dox holds off Black Lantern Stealth, allowing his team to regroup on the nearby planet Kandato. Meanwhile on Maltus, Lyrl, now calling himself Brainiac 3, builds a transmatter portal for Starro, but before Lyrl can use it, the High Vanguard, now all Black Lanterns, come through it. Back on Kandato, Dox's team is fighting the Black Lanterns when Lyrl, Smite, and Starro teleport in pursued by the High Vanguard Black Lanterns. Vril Dox shoves all the Black Lanterns, Starro, and Smite back through the portal, and -- when his son rejects him for Starro -- Lyrl too.
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