Deadpool; Dr. Betty Swanson; Zombie Deadpool; Bill, Agent of AIM; Professor Veronica Chase; Costello (dies); Porter (dies); Weinstein (dies); AIM [Ashcroft; Sub-Commander Blake] (villains); Zombie Absorbing Man (villain); Zombie Iceman (villain); Zombie Firebird (villain; dies)
On Zombie World, Deadpool's super sweet blimp is brought down by zombies of Iceman and Firestar. As Deadpool and his pals battle Spider-Man’s undead amazing friends, Absorbing Man attacks the scientists back at the ESU complex. With their lift to the dimensional portal wrecked, Deadpool calls up Veronica for another option and she agrees to meet up with him and provide a ride. Little do our heroes know that she is now a flesh-eating zombie.