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Issue: The Far Side Gallery #5
Publication Date: August 1995
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagAndrews McMeel
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Andrews and McMeel
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 164
ISBN: 0836204255
UPC/EAN: 978083620425451295
Price: $17.95 CAD
$12.95 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 2 (0 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Printed in the U.S.A. Reprinted November 1997.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Trade Paperback
Color: color cover; black and white interior
Dimensions: 8.25" x 11"
Paper Stock:  
Binding: squarebound; trade paperback
Publishing Format: collected edition
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Wraparound
Gary Larson
Gary Larson
Gary Larson
Subject Matter
The Far Side

Cartoon  on  Interior Page(s)
Gary Larson
Gary Larson
Gary Larson
typeset; Gary Larson
Subject Matter
The Far Side
Todo; Simmons; Colonel Sanders; Prof. Boris Needleman; Edward Belcher; Bob (rhino); Lulu (cow); Ms. Hollings; Henry; Mitch; Death; Bernard; Ned; Andrew; Mark Trail; Sparky; Zeke; Mr. Lewis; Frank; Elvis Presley; Salmon Rushdie; Carl "Javahead" Jones; Vera (chicken); George Custer; Captain MacIntyre; Madonna; Clarence Diggs; Mr. Blanchard; Alice; Mona; Mariwether Lewis; William Clark; Dan; Harold (cheetah); Brad (buffalo); Red Cloud; Harold "Hookhand" Zimmerman; Judy; Jack Kevorkian; Collings; God; Ernie Miller; Madame D'Gizarde; Rawlings; Henry VIII; Rogers; Eve; Fred (bee); the Angel of Migraines; Claire (cow); Larry; Chippy; Charles; Wayne; Barbara (shark); Miss Crutchfield; McGinnis; Mr. Ed; Sid (rabbit); Marge; Hewey; Puff the Magic Dragon; Rory the Raccoon; Professor Glickman; Professor Bingham; Igor; Margaret; Sam; John Brown; Carl (polar bear); Joe Hardy; Frank Hardy; Vern; Chuck; Danny (anteater); Randy (anteater); Leona (lion); Victor Frankenstein; Sid Barnum; Marty Bailey; Abdul; Morty (kangaroo); Little Bear; Shep (Collie); Mr. Sommersby; Professor Lavonne; Jacques Cousteau; Maurice (cat); Stumpy; Dwayne (wolf); Professor Doyle; Hank (duck); Leona Helmsley; Ichabod Crane; the Headless Horseman; Frankenstein's monster; Liberace; Noreen; Leonard Knudson; Mr. Gruenfeld; Mr. Pig; Gus Nickerson; Fluffy; Mrs. Lewellyn; Bobby Lewellyn; Chico (bird); Maurice; Yvonne (sheep); Ted; Pinocchio; Giorgio Armani; Ben; Andy (slice of bread); Arnie; Edgar; Popeye; Jed; Ivan Pavlov; Sigmund Freud; Sid (candle); Osborne; Mohammed; Darren (squid); Raymond (squid); Al; Edith (triceratops); Mr. Gilbert; Charlie Brown; Larry of the Lemurs; Doreen; James Hook; Raymond; Wellington; Zach; Vernon; Durk; Farmer O'Malley; Mrs. O'Malley; Binky; the Teapot Kid; Daffy Duck; Professor Hardwick; Jim Wilkins; Omak; Ted Sheldon; Louise Dickerson; Thag; Satan; Montgomery Scott; Professor Crutchfeld; Sir Dwayne; Iggy (wasp); Pablo Picasso; Mr. Peabody; Edna; Moses; Mrs. Clark; Calloway; Gub; Morty (flower); Oggie; Old MacDonald; Jason; Professor Ferrington; Dr. Clarence Tibbs; Vera (shrew); Mr. Erickson (shrew); Mrs. Erickson (shrew); Clark Kent; Lois Lane Kent; Ricky; Luigi (sandwich); Professor DeWitt; Professor Weinberg; Carlson; Gorok; Mr. Sparky; Zuk; Mueller; Warren (fish); Lola; Johnny (scorpion); Tuffy (dog); Tarzan; Stan; Professor Wainwright; Adam; Santa Anna; Juan Anna; Morty; Sidney; Atlas; Misty; Douglas; George; Peter Pan; Mike Wallace; Lenny (vulture); Saddam Hussein; Princess Luwana; Toomba; Carl (pine tree); Miss Cranshaw; Professor Sadowsky; Professor Lazzell; J. W. Stevens; Farmer Hansen; Farmer Sutton; Rex (dog); Linda Blair; Ramone (horse); George (horse); Professor Schwartzman; Lassie; Lucky (dog); Professor Melvin Fenwick; Numanga; Tooby; Mr. Pumpkineater; Jeannie Jeannie Eatszucchini; McFadden; Billy; Flannegan; Will Hawkins; Jessica; Mr. Kellerman (fly); Mrs. Kellerman (fly); Dinkins; O'Neill
Hey... this could be the chief.

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