Subject Matter
G.I. Joe [General Hawk (leader); Admiral Keel-Haul; Cutter; Shipwreck; Flint; Lady Jaye; Mainframe; Wild Bill; Lift-Ticket; Slipstream; Ace; Battleforce 2000 [Maverick; Blocker; Blaster; Dodger; Avalanche; Knockdown]; Roadblock; Leatherneck; Fast Draw; Sci-Fi; Low-Light; Breaker; Doc; Duke; Crazylegs; Beachhead; Wet-Suit; Torpedo; Airborne; Ripcord; Deep-Six; Crankcase; Clutch; Cross Country; Stalker; Lt. Falcon; Spirit; Sneak-Peek; Dial-Tone; Tunnel Rat; Gung-Ho; Tripwire; Short-Fuze; Mutt; Junkyard; Law; Order]; Cobra [Serpentor's contingent [Serpentor; Dr. Mindbender; Croc Master; Crimson Guard [Tomax; Xamot; Guardsmen]; Scrap-Iron; B.A.T.S.; Air-Vipers; H.I.S.S. drivers]; Cobra Commander [Fred VII]'s contingent [Fred VII]; Baroness; Dreadnoks [Zartan; Zarana; Zandar; Torch; Buzzer; Ripper; Thrasher; Monkeywrench]; Cobra troopers; Cobra Officers; Vipers; Tele-Vipers; Techno-Vipers; Gyro-Vipers; W.O.R.M.S. (Maggot tank drivers); Secto-Vipers (Bugg Drivers)]]; Iron Grenadiers [Destro; Sgt. Major; Grenadier troopers; Ferret (D.E.M.O.N. (Dual Elevating Multi-Ordnance Neutralizer) drivers; Nullifier (A.G.P. (Anti-Gravity Pod) pilots)]; General Hollingsworth; Minh
The Cobra Island Civil War continues as the Joes are brought into the conflict thanks (or no thanks) to Mindbender's actions, and Destro invades the island as the war is on. Hawk is captured by Fred and the Dreadnoks on the Thunder machine at the airport after the Joes land, and Minh is with the Joes now. To be continued...
Reprint Notes:
The entire Joe roster was called up for duty for this war, and a big Cobra split teams.