Subject Matter
G.I. Joe [General Hawk (leader); Admiral Keel-Haul; Cutter; Shipwreck; Flint; Lady Jaye; Mainframe; Wild Bill; Lift-Ticket; Slipstream; Ace; Battleforce 2000 [Maverick; Blocker; Blaster; Dodger; Avalanche; Knockdown]; Roadblock; Leatherneck; Fast Draw; Sci-Fi; Low-Light; Breaker; Doc; Duke; Crazylegs; Beachhead; Wet-Suit; Torpedo; Airborne; Ripcord; Deep-Six; Crankcase; Clutch; Cross Country; Stalker; Lt. Falcon; Spirit; Sneak-Peek; Dial-Tone; Tunnel Rat; Gung-Ho; Tripwire; Short-Fuze; Mutt; Junkyard; Law; Order]; Cobra [Serpentor's contingent [Serpentor (death); Dr. Mindbender; Croc Master; Crimson Guard [Tomax; Xamot; Guardsmen]; Scrap-Iron; B.A.T.S.; Air-Vipers; H.I.S.S. drivers]; Cobra Commander [Fred VII]'s contingent [Fred VII] (Cobra overall leader); Baroness; Dreadnoks [Zartan; Zarana; Zandar; Torch; Buzzer; Ripper; Thrasher; Monkeywrench]; Cobra troopers; Cobra Officers; Vipers; Tele-Vipers; Techno-Vipers; Gyro-Vipers; W.O.R.M.S. (Maggot tank drivers); Secto-Vipers (Bugg Drivers)]]; Iron Grenadiers [Destro; Sgt. Major; Grenadier troopers; Ferret (D.E.M.O.N. (Dual Elevating Multi-Ordnance Neutralizer) drivers; Nullifier (A.G.P. (Anti-Gravity Pod) pilots]; General Hollingsworth; Minh
The Cobra Island Civil War concludes with Serpentor killed by an arrow shot from Zartan's bow. Mindbender makes a deal with Fred, making Fred sole leader of Cobra, causing the Joes to have to leave off the island. Destro regains his true love the Baroness, and leaves the island without having fired a shot.
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