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Issue: The Phantom: The Complete Newspaper Dailies #2
Publication Date: December 2010
Disclose Detail
Title: 1937-1939
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagHermes Press
Brand: HPView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: Hermes Press
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 2
Pages: 280
ISBN: 1932563423
UPC/EAN: 978193256342954999
Price: $49.99 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 8 (6 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Daniel Herman
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Publication Type: Hardcover
Color: Black and White interior (#1-8), Black and White (Dailies) and Color (Sundays) interior (#9-10); Color cover
Dimensions: 12" x 8.5"
Paper Stock: Glossy
Binding: Hardcover with Dustjacket
Publishing Format: Ongoing Series
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Diana Palmer
The Phantom Continues

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s)
Contains covers from various Phantom publications.
Little Toma

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Tommy; Stella; Fred; Tai Low; Inspector Fogg; Lord Revel; Enid
A remote jungle tribe prepares for the annual visit of The Phantom!
The Phantom discovers that one of the native children, Toma, is actually a Western boy. He finds out that Toma is the only son of a deceased English missionary, who had been killed when he was travelling home to claim his rightful title as Lord Revel. The missionary's brother, who is now Lord Revel, seems to be behind the conspiracy. Lord Revel tries to conceal the crime but finally feels that he cannot kill an innocent boy. The ex-Lord is turned over to the police, most likely to be hanged, while his unknowing daughter Enid is left with the task of taking care of the little boy.
from The Phantom daily (King Features Syndicate) 1937-09-20 - 1938-02-05
"Little Toma" (also known as "Toma" and as "Little Tommy") is the fourth Phantom daily story. For the first time the Phantom's home is said to be in Bengal, India. Previously it was said to be located on Luntok, an island between Sumatra and Jakarta. This is the first time the Phantom is seen traveling in Cabin 14, and the first time he is seen in his traditional coat, hat and glasses – later to be known as his "Mr. Walker" outfit. This marks the first story where neither Diana, Guran, the Bandar nor Melville Horton appear. It is stated that the witch doctors of the jungle are informed that the Phantom isn't immortal, and that they assist him on his village visits. This story has often been reprinted with the title "Little Tommy". However, the actual title "Little Toma" appears in the last daily strip of the preceding story.
The Prisoner of the Himalayas

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Lee Falk
Ray Moore
Ray Moore
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Diana Palmer; Devil; Mrs. Palmer; The Count; Jerry; Bob; The Maharajah of Barogar; Count Bart; Captain Dudley; Princess Karene; Gar of Barogar; Shiva; Burdiv; Shan
"Count" Bart, an Australian exile, earns the trust of the Maharajah of Barogar. When the Maharajah dies, Bart seizes power, pretending the Maharajah is alive but too ill to be seen by anyone, and pretending that the heir, whom he has imprisoned in the Himalayas, is off on a hunting trip. Investigating, the Phantom discovers that Bart is planning to force the heir's fiancee to marry him in order to gain a legitimate claim to the throne. Bart captures and seemingly kills the Phantom, and is terrified when the Phantom returns. The Phantom follows Bart to his fortress, where he rescues the heir.
from The Phantom daily (King Features Syndicate) 1938.02.07 - 1938.06.18
"The Prisoner of the Himalayas" is the fifth Phantom daily story. Diana's mother makes her first appearance, and meets the Phantom for the first time. Her name is given as Mrs. E.V. Palmer. Four men propose to Diana – The Count, Jerry, Bob, and the Phantom. Diana even gets engaged to Bob, but the Phantom appears at her wedding, and snatches her away from the ceremony.
Adventure in Algiers

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Devil; Diana Palmer; Mrs. Palmer; Zagra; Dr. Ned
Distracted by an attempted robbery in Algiers, the Phantom misses his ship to Paris, where he intends to rejoin Diana. While delayed, Diana's mother convinces Diana she's ill and must return to the States. Mrs. Palmer destroys letters from the Phantom to Diana and vice versa, trying to sabotage the relationship. Crushed, the Phantom returns to the jungle. Diana learns the truth too late to intercept him.
from The Phantom daily (King Features Syndicate) 1938-06-20 - 1938-07-23
"Adventure in Algiers" is the sixth Phantom daily story.
The Shark's Nest

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Lee Falk
Ray Moore
Ray Moore
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Devil; Baron Grover; Big Steve; Nana; Trudi; Dan; Bud
The Phantom is aboard the Queen of Suez when it responds to a distress call. The call is from the Shark's Nest, which turns out to be a pirate vessel commanded by Baron Grover. The Phantom sneaks aboard the Shark's Nest. He is captured, then escapes. The pirates flee to their base to avoid a government patrol. They again capture the Phantom, who escapes, notifies the government vessel, then returns to captivity to delay/distract the pirates till the marines arrive.
from The Phantom daily (King Features Syndicate) 1938.07.25 - 1938.11.05
"The Shark's Nest" is the seventh Phantom daily story. The title "The Shark's Nest" appears in the last daily strip of the preceding story. The Phantom is still traveling in Cabin 14 aboard The Queen of Suez, the same ship that he boards in "Adventure in Algiers". When Baron Grover is about to unmask the Phantom, he is told that "any man who sees the Phantom's face will drop dead instantly". This is the first time in the history of the strip that this part of the Phantom legend is mentioned to the readers, and it has Grover changing his mind on the subject.
Fishers of Pearls

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Devil; Diana Palmer; Guran; Colonel Doolittle; Roark; Betty Roark; Nelson; Captain Neil
The Phantom returns to his jungle. Diana travels aboard the same ship, though neither know it. Diana stays with a local trader, Roark, and his wife. Roark is using natives to illegally harvest pearls. The Phantom orders the operation stopped. Roark agrees to lead Diana on ssafari into the jungle looking for the Phantom. When the Phantom investigates, Roark shoots him, to Diana's surprise. The Phantom is incorrectly led to believe Diana is now Roark's wife. He lets Roark go. Eventually realizing his error, he captures and punishes Roark. Diana escapes without realizing the Phantom is there.
from The Phantom daily (King Features Syndicate) 1938-11-07 - 1939-01-28
"Fishers of Pearls" is the eighth Phantom daily story. This is the first time Phantom's home is called the Deep Woods. Guran son, Timo, is yet to appear in the strip, but what seems to be a reference to him is made in this story, as Nelson tells Roark that he heard news about the Phantom from "a son of a pigmy witch-doctor." For the second time, the color of the Phantom's suit is mentioned, and just like in "The Singh Brotherhood", it's said to be gray.
The Slave Traders

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, jungle, superhero
The Phantom [Kit Walker]; Devil; Diana Palmer; Lieutenant Byron; Colonel Doolittle; Ali; The Sand Hermit; Lord Suliman
Diana is captured by slavers. The Phantom finds them, but is captured and left for dead. Realizing it's too risky to sell a white American woman, the slavers abandon her in the desert. The Phantom catches up with them again, and commandeers the group to find Diana. However, she is rescued instead by British soldiers who have been searching for her and the slavers. Thinking the Phantom dead, she allows herself to be taken back to Morristown, where she is then sent to a hospital to recuperate. Her doctor insists she's under too much stress to be told the Phantom still lives, so he must leave.
from The Phantom daily (King Features Syndicate) 1939-01-30 - 1939-05-06
"The Slave Traders" is the 9th Phantom daily story. Morristown is mentioned for the first time (although the same settlement appears in the previous episode, "Fishers of Pearls", without being named). It is described by Diana as "a little trading-post on the Bengal coast". This is the second time the outside of the Skull Cave appears in the strip. The Sand Hermit sees the Phantom without his mask, which makes him the second person in the strip to do so (following Diana). The Phantom tells him that he is "the first man who's ever seen my face". This is also the second story to be introduced with the story of the origin of the Phantom.

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