a) Celardo suggested by Gary L. Watson
b) Frazetta suggested by Keith Chandler. Does not look like Celardo's signed work as in #80 or Tarzan strip. Part of this story, such as the first panel on page 4 and panel 7 on page 5, looks like pure Frazetta, both pencils and inks.
c) Sinnott suggested by Saltarella.
a) Celardo suggested by Gary L. Watson and partly concurred by Keith Chandler.
There is evidence of some Celardo inks, the face of Bily West on panel 5 of the first page, for example, with typical Celardo cross-hatching on the cheeks, but much of this story by another inker.
b) Frazetta suggested by Keith Chandler.
c) Sinnott suggested by Saltarella.