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Issue: DC Retroactive: JLA - The '80s #1
Publication Date: October 2011
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Variant: unnamed
Rating: Rated T Teen
Publisher: FlagDC
Brand: DC [bullet]View Brand Images2
Indicia Publisher: DC Comics
On Sale Date: 08/10/2011
Volume: none
Pages: 60
UPC/EAN: 76194130575200111
Price: $4.99 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 3 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Jim Chadwick; Chynna Clugston Flores (assistant)
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age U. S.
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Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: One-Shot
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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reprinted from a Content Item in another Issue.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Ron Randall (signed)
Ron Randall (signed)
Carlos Badilla (signed)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America
Justice League of America [Steel; Vixen; Vibe; Aquaman; Martian Manhunter; Gypsy; Zatanna]; Felix Faust

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Gerry Conway
Ron Randall
Ron Randall
Carlos Badilla (pages 1-7, 9-10); Tony Avina (pages 8, 11-26)
Carlos M. Mangual
Subject Matter
Justice League of America
Justice League of America [Vibe; Zatanna; Gypsy; Steel; Aquaman; Elongated Man; Vixen; Martian Manhunter]; Dale Gunn; Felix Faust; Geoff; Lamont
Using an ancient artifact and the despair permeating Detroit, Felix Faust attacks the current Justice League of America as they are giving a tour of their new headquarters to schoolchildren, in hopes of quickly defeating them and drawing out the bigger guns. But inspired by one of the schoolchildren, the JLA fights back until Gypsy accidentally destroys Faust's artifact and breaks the spell.
The schoolchild is named Geoff, an obvious nod to DC's Chief Creative Officer, and Detroit-area native, Geoff Johns.
In the Shadow of the Ox

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Gerry Conway
Chuck Patton; Rick Hoberg (pages 19-23)
Mike Machlan (finishes)
Gene D'Angelo
John Costanza
Alan Gold (original editor)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America
Justice League of America [Superman; Wonder Woman; Flash; Aquaman; Martian Manhunter; Gypsy; Zatanna; Vixen; Elongated Man; Steel; Vibe; Green Lantern (flashback cameo); Batman (flashback cameo); Green Arrow (flashback cameo); Firestorm (flashback cameo); Hawkman (flashback cameo); Black Canary (flashback cameo)]; Sue Dibny; Dale Gunn; Rosita Ramone; Mother Windom; General Mustapha Maksai (dies); Starro (flashback cameo); Despero (flashback cameo); Amazo (flashback cameo); Anansi the Spider
After Aquaman explains his decision to reform the League to Wonder Woman, Superman, and The Flash, Rosita Ramone delivers the news that General Maksai has kidnapped Mother Windom to try and force Vixen to give him the Tantu Totem. But the talisman causes a monstrous transformation in Maksai, reversed only when Vixen retrieves it, and Maksai falls to his death.
FlagJustice League of America #239 [Direct Sales] published June 1985
was In the Shadow of the Ox [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Credits include: "Very special thanks to Rick Hoberg for assistance on pages 19-23." Rick Hoberg confirmed via email his role, explaining he may have worked from a rough from Chuck Patton for the first page "to orient positioning and hook up to the other pages."

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