Subject Matter
New X-Men [Elixir [Josh Foley]; Hellion [Julian Keller]; Surge [Noriko Ashida]; Dust [Sooraya Quadir]; Mercury [Cessily Kincaid]; Rockslide [Santo Vaccarro]; Icarus [Jay Guthrie]; Wallflower [Laurie Collins]; X-23]; David Alleyne [Prodigy]; Sofia Mantega [Wind Dancer]; Brian Cruz [Tag]; Anole [Victor Borkowski]; Wolfcub [Nicholas Gleason]; Pixie [Megan Gwynn]; Emma Frost [White Queen]; Beast; Wolverine; Cyclops; Forge; Sentinel Squad ONE; Reverend William Stryker; Jack Abrams; Neal Conan (cameo); Trish Tilby (cameo); Purifiers (cameos); Colossus (cameo); Kitty Pryde (cameo); Adversary [Naze] (cameo as an illusion); the Brood (cameo as an illusion)
The X-Men and New X-Men learn that Reverend Stryker is back and spreading his anti-mutant message to the world. The kids at Xavier's squabble and try to figure things out as some of their closest friends and allies lost their powers on M-Day. Wolverine brings X-23 to the mansion and introduces her to the others as his cloned "sister." Emma violently objects to her presence but Cyclops lets her stay. David takes the kids to the Morlock tunnels where he has constructed a Danger Cave and the students, both those with powers and those without, begin to train by running through old X-Men missions.
Reprint Notes:
Story page count includes the credits and recap page as the first panel of the story appears on it.