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Issue: Grimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1
Publication Date: December 2011
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Brand: ZenescopeView Brand Images2
Indicia Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 1
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9781937068936
UPC/EAN: 9781937068936
Price: $15.99 USD
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Content Items: 11 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Ralph Tedesco (Editor-in-Chief); Raven Gregory (Executive Editor)
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: cardstock cover; glossy interior
Binding: trade paperback
Publishing Format: collected edition
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Eric Basaldua
Eric Basaldua
Nei Ruffino
Subject Matter
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [Cover A - Eric Basaldua] published May 2011
was Once Upon a Time [Illustration on Cover, Wraparound]right side of wraparound cover

Credits  on  Interior Page(s)

Table of Contents  on  Interior Page(s)

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Anthony Spay
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
Baba Yaga; Fel Yaga; Thane; Dark One
As a little girl, Baba Yaga's mother uses stories of the Dream Eater to get her to go to bed. Later when the Dark One breaks into their home to take the Book of the Lost, her mother tries to reassure her - saying good will always triumph over evil. But the Dark One kills her mother and Thane arrives too late to help. Baba Yaga decides that her mother was wrong - good does not always triumph over evil. This sets her on a lifetime course of vengeance.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #0 [Cover A - Mike DeBalfo] published April 2011
was Prelude [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Once Upon A Time

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Roberto Viacava
Roberto Viacava
Jason Embury; Vinicius Andrade; Andrew Elder
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
Thane; Blake; Nissa; Sela; Belinda; Anna; Braden; Carroll Liddle; Violet Liddle; Pots; Sinbad; Samantha Darren; Dream Eater; Queen of Hearts; Piper; Cindy; Mercy; Baba Yaga
In the desperate hours of the final battle in Grimm Fairy Tales #50, Thane of Oz makes a deal with an entity in the Cave of Shadows that releases the Dream Eater. For years, the Dream Eater makes its way to Earth. As the Dream Eater nears Earth, various characters from the Grimm Fairy Tales universe have a sense of foreboding. When it reaches Earth, the creature takes the form of an old man. The Dream Eater then seeks out and devours its first victim, the Queen of Hearts.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [Cover A - Eric Basaldua] published May 2011
was Once Upon A Time [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part Two: The Piper

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Allan Otero
Allan Otero
Studio Cirque
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
The Piper; Dream Eater; Baba Yaga
The story retraces the history of the Piper from the first time he used gifts to summon the creatures of the darkness for vengeance up to present-day New York. He has just exacted payment from one of his victims when he encounters the Dream Eater. The Dream Eater is about to devour the Piper when he is transported away in a swirl of smoke. When the Piper materialized, he is initially grateful to his unknown benefactor. Then he discovers with horror that he has been saved by Baba Yaga for her own vengeance.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #2 [Cover A] published June 2011
was Part Two: The Piper [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part Three: Grimm Myths & Legends #6

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Alfred Trujillo
Alfred Trujillo
Jason Embury; Andrew Elder
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
Baba Yaga; Dream Eater; Samantha Darren; the Piper
Baba Yaga attempts to add Samantha's essence to the Cyclops Eye to give her more power in her defense against the Dream Eater. But the Dream Eater discovers them while they are fighting each other and they have to work together to survive his attack. Samantha escapes through a portal to the Inner Sanctum of the Nexus and takes Baba Yaga with her. While there, Baba Yaga summons the Piper to help (this is the point where the previous story about the Piper ended).
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #6 [Cover A - Alé Garza] published June 2011
was Part Three: Grimm Myths & Legends #6 [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part Four: Wonderland One-Shot

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Novo Malgapo
Marco Cosentino
Vinicius Andrade
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
Calie Liddle; Violet Liddle; Cheshire Cat; Dream Eater
After being trapped in Wonderland for nineteen years, the Cheshire Cat escapes to the real world and seeks to gain vengeance on Calie. When the creature learns of Calie's daughter, Violet, it decides to kill Violet first. After slaughtering many students at Violet's high school, it appears to be on the verge of killing Violet herself when the Dream Eater shows up. The Dream Eater's appearance gives time for Calie and Violet to get away while the Dream Eater devours the Cheshire Cat.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #4 [Cover A] published June 2011
was Part Four: Wonderland One-Shot [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part Five: Neverland One-Shot

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Jean Paul DeShong
Jason Embury
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
Pan [Jacob Wiles]; Angelica; Esmerelda
Pan is trapped on Earth with only a fraction of his former power. He desperately wants to return to Neverland and seek vengeance on those who ousted him from his rule there. When a water nymph named Angelica suggests that a gypsy woman might be able to help him return to Neverland for a price, Pan goes to see if the story is true. But he finds out that Esmerelda is not what she seems.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #5 [Cover A] published June 2011
was Part Five: Neverland One-Shot [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part Six: Salem's Daughter One-Shot

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Raven Gregory (story and writer); Joe Brusha (story); Ralph Tedesco (story)
Roberto Viacava; Tomas Aira
Roland Pilcz
Jim Campbell
Subject Matter
Braden Cole; Anna Williams; Charlotte; Pan; Darius; Dream Eater
Pan, stripped of his youth and sent back in time, pretends to be a doctor in a small town. But he is actually using his powers to preserve his life by killing the townsfolk. Braden and Anna enter the town to investigate, but Braden soon comes down with the 'sickness'. Anna discovers that the doctor is behind the deaths and the doctor reveals himself as Pan. When he tries to drain her power, she sends him through a portal to the Dream Eater. But Pan retains enough of Anna's power to convince the Dream Eater that he can help him.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #6 [Cover A - Alé Garza] published July 2011
was Part Six: Salem's Daughter One-Shot [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Cover Gallery

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Mike DeBalfo (signed); Christopher Cote; Ale Garza (signed); Eric Basaldua (signed) [as e. Bas]; Arthur Suydam (painted); Sean Chen (signed); Tommy Patterson; Angel Medina (signed); Rich Bonk (signed); Pasqual Qualano (signed); Mahmud Asrar (signed); Keu Cha (signed); Khary Randolph
Mike DeBalfo (signed); Christopher Cote; Ale Garza (signed); Eric Basaldua (signed) [as e. Bas]; Arthur Suydam (painted); Sean Chen (signed); Tommy Patterson; Angel Medina (signed); Rich Bonk (signed); Pasquale Qualano (signed); Mahmud Asrar (signed); Keu Cha (signed); Khary Randolph
Nei Ruffino (signed) [as Nei]; Christopher Cote; Juvaun Kirby (signed); Arthur Suydam (painted); Jason Embury (signed) [as JE]; Thomas Mason (signed); Sanju Nivagune (signed); Milen Parvanov (signed); Keu Cha (signed); Khary Randolph; Ivan Nunes (signed); Studio Cirque
Subject Matter
Original cover art for the issues collected in this series. Credits and reprint information is provided for each illustration.
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #0 [Zenescope Exclusive Variant - Alé Garza] published April 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #0 [Cover B - Christopher Cote] published April 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #0 [Cover A - Mike DeBalfo] published April 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [Zenescope R.I.P. Exclusive Variant - Tommy Patterson] published May 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [Cover C - Sean Chen] published May 2011
was Once Upon a Time [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [2011 Motor City Comic Con Exclusive Variant - Eric Basaldua] published May 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [Cover B - Arthur Suydam] published May 2011
was Once Upon a Time [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [2011 Phoenix Comicon Exclusive Variant - Alé Garza] published May 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1 [Cover A - Eric Basaldua] published May 2011
was Once Upon a Time [Illustration on Cover, Wraparound]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #2 [Cover B] published May 2011
was "Cover B" [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #2 [Retailer Secret Exclusive] published May 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #5 [Philadelphia comic-con exclusive] published June 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #4 [Philadelphia Comic-con variant] published June 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #4 [Cover A] published June 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #2 [Cover A] published June 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #5 [Cover A] published June 2011
was "Cover A" [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #4 [Cover B] published June 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #6 [Cover A - Alé Garza] published June 2011
was The Dream Eater Saga Part 3 of 12 [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #6 [Cover B - Mahmud Asrar] published June 2011
was The Dream Eater Saga Part 3 of 12 [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #6 [Wizard World Philadelphia Comic-Con Exclusive Variant - Pasquale Qualano] published June 2011
was The Dream Eater Saga Part 3 of 12 [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #5 [Cover B] published June 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #6 [San Diego Comic-Con "Night" Exclusive] published July 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #6 [San Diego Comic-Con "Day" Exclusive] published July 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #6 [Cover B] published July 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagGrimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #6 [Cover A - Alé Garza] published July 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]

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