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Issue: Mighty Samson #1
Publication Date: March 2012
Disclose Detail
Title: Judgment
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDark Horse
Indicia Publisher: Dark Horse Books
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 1
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9781595828712
UPC/EAN: 9781595828712
Price: $17.99 CAD
$15.99 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 8 (4 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Chris Warner
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Trade Paperback
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age U. S.
Paper Stock: Glossy
Binding: Squarebound Trade Paperback
Publishing Format: Collected Edition
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Raymond Swanland (signed) (painted)
Raymond Swanland (signed) (painted)
Raymond Swanland (signed) (painted)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Mighty Samson
FlagMighty Samson #1 [Cover A - Raymond Swanland] published December 2010
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Raymond Swanland (signed) (painted)
Raymond Swanland (signed) (painted)
Raymond Swanland (signed) (painted)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Mighty Samson
FlagMighty Samson #2 published February 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagMighty Samson #3 published May 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Cover art from issues #2 and #3 of the original series.
Mighty Samson Judgment

Credits  on  Interior Page(s)
Judgment Part One: Jerz She-Devil

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jim Shooter; J. C. Vaughn
Patrick Olliffe
Patrick Olliffe
Dan Jackson
Nate Piekos [as Blambot]
Subject Matter
science fiction
Mighty Samson
Judge Ashur; Captain Sunder; Warlord Richter; Tranquility; Alma; Zarsk; Major McPoyle; Moishe; Rav Daniel; Samson; Sharmaine; Mindor; Queen Terra
Five hundred years after the end of the world, the new child queen of Jerz wants more tribute from the N'Yark tribe. During the attack, a child of prodigious strength is born in the N'Yark tribe to Alma and Tranquility. The leader of the N'Yark tribe is killed, but Alma escapes with the help of people who live in the tunnels. The child is named Samson. Nineteen years later, Samson and Alma return to the N'Yark tribe. Jerz is again demanding more tribute from N'Yark, but Samson kills the attackers single-handedly. However, during the battle Sunder kills Alma.
FlagMighty Samson #1 [Cover A - Raymond Swanland] published December 2010
was Judgement Part One: Jerz She-Devil [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Judgment Part Two: Deliver Us From Evil

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jim Shooter; J. C. Vaughn
Patrick Olliffe
Patrick Olliffe
Dan Jackson
Nate Piekos [as Blambot]
Subject Matter
science fiction
Mighty Samson
Samson; Mindor; Sharmaine; Zarsk; Narts; Esmay; Queen Terra; Angel; Peaches; Warlord Sunder
When beasts invade the N'Yark compound, Samson defeats them and saves the life of Esmay. But Esmay is despondent because the Jerz killed her husband and took her daughters, Angel and Peaches, as slaves. Samson leaves the compound and allows the Jerz to capture him so they will lead him back to Jerz. Once in the presence of Queen Terra, he breaks his chains and defeats Terra's guards. Samson demands the release of all N'Yark captives, but becomes confused when talking to Terra. He settles for the release of Angel and Peaches and returns to N'Yark with them.
FlagMighty Samson #2 published February 2011
was Judgement Part Two: Deliver Us from Evil [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Judgment Part Three: Treachery

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jim Shooter; J. C. Vaughn
Patrick Olliffe
Patrick Olliffe
Dan Jackson
Nate Piekos [as Blambot]
Subject Matter
science fiction
Mighty Samson
Peaches; Angel; Samson; Mindor; Sharmaine; Judge Zarsk; Narts; Queen Terra; Sunder
Sunder stumbles on a place of technology that survived the cataclysm of the 22nd century. The Bio-gen Operations Brain-Bot (BOBB) makes a monster of immense strength that obeys Sunder. Samson rushes to save meet Sunder's latest attack, but is thrown off into the distance by the monster and Sunder takes control of N'Yark. Angel and Peaches hide Samson to prevent Sunder's soldiers from finding him. When Samson regains consciousness, he decides he will need Queen Terra's help to defeat Sunder.
FlagMighty Samson #3 published May 2011
was Judgement Part Three: Treachery [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Judgment Part Four: Won for the Devil

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jim Shooter; J. C. Vaughn
Patrick Olliffe
Mark Irwin
Dan Jackson
Nate Piekos [as Blambot]
Subject Matter
Mighty Samson
Samson; Queen Terra; Warlord Sunder (Death); Dreadnaught; Mindor; Sharmaine; Judge Zarsk
Charmed by Terra, Samson fights her former warlord and lover, ultimately defeating him. However, the sight of Sharmaine releases him from Terra's spell and he turns the tables on the Queen of Jerz.
FlagMighty Samson #4 published October 2011
was Judgement Part Four: Won for the Devil [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Dave Wilkins [as DW] (signed) (painted)
Dave Wilkins [as DW] (signed) (painted)
Dave Wilkins [as DW] (signed) (painted)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Mighty Samson
Samson; Queen Terra
FlagMighty Samson #4 published October 2011
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Cover art from issue #4 of the original series.

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