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Issue: Shock SuspenStories #1
Publication Date: February 1952
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Authorized A. C. M. P. Conforms to the Comics Code
Publisher: FlagEC
Indicia Publisher: Tiny Tot Comics Inc.
On Sale Date: 11/20/1951
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: Authorized A. C. M. P. Conforms to the Comics Code
Content Items: 8 (6 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Albert B. Feldstein
Disclose Notes: The on-sale date is the publication date reported in U. S. Copyright Office filings. The original filing states Tiny Tot Comics, Inc. is the copyright holder. Registration number B330135.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard golden age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover, newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images3
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Gaines File Copy CGC MT 9.9

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Al Feldstein [as Feldstein] (signed)
Al Feldstein [as Feldstein] (signed)
Marie Severin
Subject Matter
Shock SuspenStories
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006).
Colorist credit by Craig Delich.
Shock Talk

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s)
Bill Gaines; Al Feldstein
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)
Found on the inside front cover.

Script addition of Gaines by Craig Delich.
The Neat Job!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Bill Gaines (co-plot); Al Feldstein (co-plot, script)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Marie Severin
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
A Crime SuspenStory
Arthur Berdeen (Eleanor's husband, death); two unnamed detectives; Eleanor Berdeen (villain)
An abused housewife married to a neat freak snaps one day and neatly dices the sections of her husband's body into small jars.
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as The Neat Job! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagIskalde Grøss #1/1993 published January 1993
as Ryddig gjort! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)
Feldtein reports that Wroten used a K & E Lettering Stylus to do all the lettering with.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Bill Gaines (co-plot); Al Feldstein (co-plot, script)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Marie Severin
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
A War SuspenStory
Sergeant Maurer (radio man); unnamed sentry; Captain Millikan ("B" Company Commander); Lieutenant Martin Henderson (the Colonel's son, death); Sergeant Hefner; Colonel Clark Henderson; The Nazis (villains, named only)
A Colonel's son faces the firing squad for cowardice under fire, and is court-martialed and found guilty, sentenced to die by firing squad. Later, the Colonel lies to his boy, telling him that the rifles are loaded with blanks so that his son will go to his death like a man.
FlagIskalde Grøss #8/1992 published January 1992
as Feig! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as Yellow! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)
Feldtein reports that Wroten used a K & E Lettering Stylus to do all the lettering with.
Last Will

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein
? (spot illustration)
? (spot illustration)
Subject Matter
Wendell Canfield (Uncle of Meredith Canfield, death); Meredith Canfield (villain, death)
Discovering that the provisions of the will of his Uncle are going to be changed to cut him off completely, young Canfield, wanting half of his Uncle's estate, decides to kill his Uncle and drag the corpse to the attic. Unfortunately for him, his Uncle's blood leads literally to his downfall and eventual death, but not before he spots a piece of paper indicating that his Uncle was going to leave the entire estate to him!
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as Last Will [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein
Subject Matter
Merrick's unnamed partner (prospector, death); Merrick (villain, prospector, death)
Two prospectors, on their way to cash in $2000 worth of gold dust, run afoul of one another, when one of them, Merrick, decides to kill his partner for his gold. But his plan will soon backfire, with tragic results.
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as Alibi! [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)
The Monsters!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Bill Gaines (co-plot); Al Feldstein (co-plot, script)
Joe Orlando [as J. Orlando] (signed)
Joe Orlando [as J. Orlando] (signed)
Marie Severin
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
science fiction
A Science-Fiction SuspenStory
Hinkel (scientist); Alex (scientist); Herman (scientist); Jennings (stenographer); two mutants
Aliens deposit their mutant births on Earth which, to them, appear as horrible monsters, but appear as regular human beings to the Earth men.
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as The Monsters! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)
Feldtein reports that Wroten used a K & E Lettering Stylus to do all the lettering with.
The Rug!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ball Gaines (co-plot); Al Feldstein (co-plot, script)
Graham Ingels [as Ghastly] (signed)
Graham Ingels [as Ghastly] (signed)
Marie Severin
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
A Horror SuspenStory
Conrad "Connie" Cartwright (wealthy socialite); Reggie (playboy, Cartwright's companion)
Conrad and his friend Reggie head up to the big woods for some relaxation, as well as going hunting for a grizzly bear. However, Reggie voices his loathing for Cartwright's hunting of big game and then making rugs out of them. But Conrad is due for a surprise one night after he bags one grizzly and then hears another one out in the darkness.
FlagShock Suspenstories #1 published September 1992
as The Rug! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
in The EC Archives (Gemstone Publishing, 2006 series): Shock SuspenStories Volume 1 (July 2006)
Feldtein reports that Wroten used a K & E Lettering Stylus to do all the lettering with.

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