? (traduzione)
Subject Matter
Miss Lace
Reprint Notes:
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Saddlepants, we know what you did to them dice last today);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Sorry, generals, i can't go out with you tonight…);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Y' unnastand wot yer t'do?... Miss Lace is t' think i'm doin' th' singin'!);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (I've loved you since the first moment i saw you, darling…);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (What's thing G1, G2, G3, G4 stuff i'm always hearing about in he army?);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Miss Lace, ditch them doughnuts an' let's you and me go outside...);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (What tank ran over you, general?);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (When an officuh asks yuh y' name, );
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (You tank jockeys is always yappin' about how rugged your outfits are!);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Hmmm velly fancy present, Miss Lace! Big cost!);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Boy oh boy money! Lot's a money);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Lookee yonder! Real hardware generals…);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (I haven't been around Miss Lace …);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Hop in, fellas! Always happy to pick up an infantryman…);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (I'm goin' to get a woman!);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (Y' see Miss Lace our girls at home have sorta given us a fast brush… );
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (I'm so glad to see you, Sport!);
from Male Call (The Camp Newspaper Service) 194?-??-?? (What kind of whistling is that?)
18 Strisce in lingua originale con traduzione.