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Issue: Walt Disney's Giant Comics #383
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Indicia Publisher: W. G. Publications Pty. Ltd.
On Sale Date: 1966
Pages: 32
Price: $0.25 AUD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 2 (1 story, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Colour
Dimensions: 7" x 10"
Paper Stock: Semi-Glossy
Binding: Glued Spine
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The Strange Case of Doctor Syclocks!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Super Goof
Super Goof [Goofy]; Mickey Mouse; Doctor Syclocks
Fun-tastic Super Goof solves The Strange Case of Doctor Syclocks!
Super Goof bashes through a door to rescue Mickey Mouse, who is about to be blown-up by one of Doctor Syclocks’ cuckoo-clock bombs.
The Strange Case of Doctor Syclocks

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Super Goof
Super Goof [Goofy]; Mickey Mouse; Chief O'Hara; Doctor Syclocks; Gepetto; various citizens; police; airline flight crew; airline doctor; St. Bernard
Gawrsh! Muh Super Goobers are growin’ wild
Doctor Syclocks, a mysterious diminutive jewel thief, black-clad from head to toe, is setting-off cuckoo-clock bombs all over the city to cover his thefts. Detective Mickey Mouse and Super Goof are on the villain’s trail, which leads to a most unexpected place.
Page 1, panel 1: Goofy has two newspaper clippings of Super Goof’s exploits tacked-up on his modest living room wall. Oddly, these refer to actual, prior Super Goof stories, published before the establishing of the “Super Goober” as the power source behind Goofy’s heroic alter-ego. “Super Goof Captures Phantom Blot” would refer to The Phantom Blot (Western, 1964 Series) #2 April 1965, while “Super Goof Saves Train” cites Donald Duck (Western, 1962 Series) #102 July 1965. The former was actually a “non-super-Goofy” merely operating under a misconception. The latter saw him powered by a “super cape” invented by Gyro Gearloose. Perhaps both stories were secretly ret-conned to now fit into the “Super Goober continuity” … or maybe Goofy just remembers ‘em as such.
On Page 13 of this Australian issue, the first panel has been slightly changed, with a description added, a train being removed and Super Goof flying from a building window, instead of a train, which is in the original USA issue. This is to cover that the previous page included in the USA issue is not included in the Australian issue.

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