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Issue: Walt Disney's Giant Comics #484
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Variant: unnamed
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: W. G. Publications Pty. Ltd.
On Sale Date: 1970
Pages: 32
Price: $0.25 AUD
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Content Items: 3 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Colour
Dimensions: 7" x 10"
Paper Stock: Semi-Glossy
Binding: Glued Spine
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
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Bird Building Money Nest

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Uncle Scrooge
Uncle Scrooge chases a bird, who is stealing his money to make a nest.
Reprinted from Topolino #329 18-03-1962 and mirrored.
Uncharted Island

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Beagle Boys; Uncle Scrooge; Donald Duck; Huey; Dewey; Louie; ? (cabbage professor)
Five billion quadruplatillion umtuplatillion multuplatillion fantasticatillion centrifugalillion dollars and sixteen cents!
Scrooge takes a sea voyage so that the wind can clean out the gold dust that's clogging his pores and making him feel tired, and also to answer a plea for help that turns up in a bottle on the beach. When the ducks arrive at the island from which the message was sent, they find the Beagle Boys and a mysterious ray that turns living things into stone.
U.S. #8 - 5412
Art submitted on May 20, 1954. Three half-pages of finished or penciled art exists from this story that was apparently cut out or re-done by Barks and does not appear in the story as printed here. (Printed in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge (Gladstone, 1986 series) #222) Synopsis by Michael Barrier from "Carl Barks and the Art of the Comic Book" (M. Lilien, 1982). Carl Barks named the story with the above title in a letter to a fan in 1962. Original title: "The Mysterious Stone Ray". Also titled as: "Message from Mysterious Island"; "Uncharted Island"; "The Mysterious Unfinished Invention'.
Teacher's Pets

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
April; May; June; Huey; Dewey; Louie; Miss Twitter
Teacher's pets! Teacher's pets!
April, May, and June are taunted as teacher's pets by the other kids until they help catch an escaped convict.

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