Back-story which was published in several Marvel titles of the same publishing week; Story continues a week later in: ELEKTRA #10, MARVEL KNIGHTS #3, THE HOOD #1, WOLVERINE/HULK #4, MUTANT X: FUTURE SHOCK #1.
Total of 12 one-page advertisements for: Marvel Game Room Experience (pool tables, Dufferin), Freedom Force (game, Irrational Games), Spider-Man (game, Activision), Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (game, Universal Interactive), Tobacco Is Whacko (anti-drugs, Lorillard), Sweet Tarts (candy, Neste), Mobile Suit Gundam (toys, Bandai), Mile High Comics (website, MHC), Jack & Jill (anti-drugs, NIDA), King of Skate (game, Konami), Fire Blade (game, Midway).