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Publisher: Arédit-Artima
Years in Operation: 1956 - 1987
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Country: Flag France Web Site: Brands: 28 Indicia Publishers: 3 Series: 430 Printings: 11552 (11957 Issues) Disclose Notes: Initially a publisher of picture and coloring books, Artima began to publish comics in the 1950's. In 1962, while in financial difficulty, the company was purchased by Presses de la Cité which renamed it Arédit from a former short-lived imprint and publication continued through 1987, using both the Arédit and Artima names.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Brand Name View Brand Images Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
Arédit ? - 21
Arédit DC En CouleursView Brand Images 1979 - 1983 30
Arédit MarvelView Brand Images 1985 - 1988 17
Arédit Marvel ColorDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: New name for Artima Marvel Color
1984 - ? 13
Arédit Marvel en Couleurs 1984 - 1985 0
Arédit SuperStar 1984 - 1985 3
ArtimaView Brand Images ? - 3
Artima Color DC GéantView Brand Images 1981 - 1982 3
Artima Color DC SuperStarView Brand Images2 1979 - 1985 18
Artima Color Marvel GéantView Brand Images2 1979 - 1984 30
Artima Color Marvel SuperStarView Brand Images 1979 - 1984 185
Artima DC ColorView Brand Images 1982 - 1983 1
Artima Marvel ColorView Brand Images2 1979 - 1985 19
Artima Spécial Marvel Géant 1984 - 0
C'est une Publication Flash ? - 0
Collection Artima Color pour AdultesView Brand Images 1979 - ? 4
Collection FlashView Brand Images2 1976 - 1983 89
Collection Flash Nouvelle Formule 1983 - 1985 15
Comics DC Pocket 1985 - 0
Comics PocketView Brand Images 1966 - 1987 437
Cosmos 1970 - 1977 1
Cosmos 1970 - 1977 0
DC AréditView Brand Images 1985 - 1989 29
Eclair Comics 1971 - 1972 7
Pocket Color Marvel AréditView Brand Images 1981 - 1984 7
Pop MagazineView Brand Images2 1970 - 1974 59
The Best of Marvel 1980 - 0
The Best of Marvel 1980 - ? 3

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