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Publisher: Star Publications
Years in Operation: 1949 - 1954
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 2 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 50 Printings: 271 (279 Issues) Disclose Notes: Star published a line of coloring books in comic book format (The Star Coloring Book of...), but they consist of full-page drawings with no word balloons and no narrative, so they do not qualify for inclusion in the database (August 2008).   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Indicia Publisher Name Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
FlagStar Publications Inc. Disclose
Note: Address as of 1953 is 8 Lord Street, Buffalo, 10, N.Y.
1949 - 1955 207 (231)

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