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Publisher: Marvel UK
Years in Operation: 1972 - 1994
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Country: Flag United Kingdom Web Site: Brands: 10 Indicia Publishers: 5 Series: 320 Printings: 5376 (5911 Issues) Disclose Notes: Marvel UK began publishing in 1972 under the corporate name of Magazine Management London Ltd. Its assets were sold to Italian publisher Panini in 1994 or 1995 along with a license for Panini to continue to reprint Marvel material in the UK market.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Indicia Publisher Name Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
FlagMagazine Management London Ltd. Disclose
Note: Followed by Marvel Comics Ltd.
1972 - 1979 34 (47)
FlagMarvel Comics International Inc. ? - ? 2
FlagMarvel Comics International Ltd. Disclose
Note: In operation during the 70's, but exact years unknown. Started no later than 1974, but possibly as early as 1972. Preceded by Magazine Management London Ltd., followed by Marvel Comics Ltd. Many titles changed early in 1979 to Marvel Comics Ltd, but this imprint is still found as late as 1981 on the hardcover annuals.
1974 - 1982 379 (855)
FlagMarvel Comics Ltd. Disclose
Note: Used for at least two distinct periods. Preceded by Magazine Management London Ltd., then replaced by Marvel Comics International Ltd. from early 1973 through 1979, at which point it returned to use. Probably followed by Marvel Comics UK Ltd. somewhere in the very late 80's or early 90's.
1973 - ? 1542 (1813)
FlagMarvel Comics UK LTD ? - 501 (491)

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