Depuis 2011, le nom est à nouveau utilisé par une des sociétés du groupe, « Semic Distribution », chargée de commercialiser des produits dérivés, notamment pour le compte de Marvel.
[French publisher who successor of LUG in 1989. This group belonged to the Scandinavian group Semic Group. In 1998, Semic France was bought by the Tournon group which created Semic S.A. In 2005, the Tournon group dissolves the company. The "Semic" brand continues to belong to Tournon. Since 2011, the name has been used again by one of the group's companies, "Semic distribution", responsible for marketing derivative products, in particular on behalf of Marvel.]
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Indicia Publisher Name | Years in Operation | Printings (Issues) |
Éditions Semic | ? - ? | 936 (898) |
Semic France | 1989 - ? | 219 (306) |
Semic France Editeur | ? | 159 (209) |
Semic S.A. | ? | 88 (243) |