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Publisher: N.S.W. Bookstall
Years in Operation: 1897 - 1946
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Country: Flag Australia Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 35 Printings: 36 Disclose Notes: Around 1882, newsagent Henry Lloyd (1847-1897) established the Railway Bookstall Company, starting a chain of well stocked outlets in train stations selling periodicals and stationary. After Lloyd's death, the company was acquired by his colleague A. C. Rowlandson (1865–1922) who expanded into new areas, ultimately renaming it the N.S.W. Bookstall Company, it is most known for its later work publishing cheap paperbacks, written and illustrated by Australians. After Rowlandson's death, Reg Wynn (1866–1925) took over as Managing Director, followed by Paul Dowling.

John Ryan in Panel by Panel reports that NSW Bookstall was the first company to publish original Australian comic books during World War II, when comic imports were restricted. It's line of books and one-shot comics ceased when restrictions were removed again post-war.
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Indicia Publisher Name Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
FlagN.S.W. Bookstall Co. Pty. Limited 1940 - 1946 1 (4)

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