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Publisher: Magazine Management
Years in Operation: 1950 - 1985
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag Australia Web Site: Brands: 1 Indicia Publishers: 23 Series: 466 Printings: 4549 (4524 Issues) Disclose Notes: From about 1950, this company published comics under a range of publisher names, including 'Red Circle', 'Illustrated', 'Approved', 'Barmour'/'Barmor', 'Junior Readers' 'Jubilee' and 'Rosnock'. The exact origin of these publisher names is not known, although the links are clear through historical references, common reprint sources (especially Harvey), shared addresses and similar cover styles. Some might have originally been separate companies acquired by Magazine Management. 'Magazine Management' is used on few comics, although it is listed in the company's magazines during the 1960s and reflected in an "MM" code used in advertisements. During the 1970s, US comics (particularly Harvey, Dell and Gold Key) continued to be printed under the Rosnock and Jubilee names, while Magazine Management imported millions of comics from the US and Europe (including rebinding old stock in new covers for the Australian market). The final related indicia publisher 'Magman International' was used on Disney reprints in 1984, which are the company's last comic publications. Magman is reported as 'trading as' Ayers & James, with a holding company parent, Anirama Pty Limited. John Ryan's history of Australian comics, Panel by Panel, reports that Magazine Management is a successor to Ayers & James; however, the two were initially separate companies. Magazine Management purchased Ayers & James sometime after 1960. Magazine Management is not the US Marvel company of the same name. In fact, the Australian company specifically changed its name to Magman because it was focused on children's reading at a time when the US company was producing adult magazines.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Indicia Publisher Name Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
FlagApproved Publications Disclose
Note: Approved Publications is associated with Ayers & James and its successor Magazine Management. Some series change over time from Red Circle Press to Approved Publications, and then later to Jubilee Publications. Approved Publications used Jayar Studios and operated from 149 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.
1953 - 1959 75
FlagAssociated Newspapers Ltd. ? - ? 3 (5)
FlagAyers & James Pty. Ltd. Disclose
Note: Ayers & James Pty. Ltd. was acquired by Magazine Management during the 1960s, although the two companies had some association dating back to the 1950s.
1970 - 1972 21
FlagBarmer Publications Pty. Ltd.,E Disclose
Note: It is unknown if "Barmer" is a deliberate variation of the Barmor/Barmour indicia publisher or a typo. Barmor is part of the Magazine Management group. The companies include Red Circle, Illustrated, Approved, Barmour/Barmor, Junior Readers/JR, Jubilee and Rosnock. The exact association between these indicia publishers is not known, although the links are clear through limited historical references, common reprint sources (especially Harvey), multiple reprints of the same story across the group, joint advertising, shared addresses and similar cover styles.
1959 - 1959 0
FlagBarmor Publications 1955 - 1960 16
FlagBarmor Publications Pty. Ltd. 1951 - 1960 134 (146)
FlagBarmour Publications Pty. Ltd. 1950 - 1960 6
FlagChampion Publications Disclose
Note: Champion Publications is listed at 149 Castlereagh Street, the address of the Magazine Management company from about 1954. The publisher seems to appear only on Joe Palooka comics. Early issues are published by Red Circle Press and Illustrated Publications, with later issues from Jubilee Publications, all part of the Magazine Management group. Issues are dated and the indicia report issues "drawn by … Jayar Studios", typical of Magazine Management comics.
1955 - 1959 3
FlagCommag Pty. Ltd. Disclose
Note: This publisher name is used briefly on comics generally published by other parts of the Magazine Management group: Jubilee Publications and J.R. Press. The publisher also produced magazines including Celebrities, Male World and International Crime Detective.
1960 - 1962 1
FlagIllustrated Publications 1953 - 1957 2
FlagJ. R. Press 1955 - 1960 4
FlagJubilee Publications Disclose
Note: Jubilee Publications is linked to Magazine Management Co. Pty. Ltd., successor to Ayers & James from the early 1950s onward. The nature of the relationship is unknown and it could be an acquisition, operating division, alternative name or surrogate company. Key links are a shared address (149 Castlereagh Street, Sydney), similar comic style/format, and use of Jayar Studios.
1952 - 1979 109 (117)
FlagJubilee Publications Pty. Ltd. Disclose
Note: Jubilee Publications is linked to Magazine Management Co. Pty. Ltd., successor to Ayers & James from the early 1950s onward. The nature of the relationship is unknown and it could be an acquisition, operating division, alternative name or surrogate company. Key links are a shared address (149 Castlereagh Street, Sydney), similar comic style/format, and use of Jayar Studios.
1955 - 1979 156 (157)
FlagJunior Readers Press Disclose
Note: This version of the name without an apostrophe was used on later comics from "Junior Readers' Press".
1970 - 1975 6 (12)
FlagJunior Readers' Press Disclose
Note: Junior Readers' Press is associated with Ayers & James successor or parent company, Magazine Management (MM). MM established a 'Committee of Parents' to respond to censorship attacks in the mid-1950s, and this publisher used the "Parent Approved" logo. Some comics also include an "ACE" logo that periodically appeared across the MM group. Junior Readers' Press continued a title previously published by Approved Publications, a member of the MM group. Like other MM publishers, it reprinted Dell and Gold Key comics. "Magazine Management" didn't appear on any comics but was used on magazines published in Australia. (Magazine Management is not the Marvel company of the same name.)
1956 - 1971 81 (82)
FlagMagman International Pty. Ltd. Disclose
Note: Magman is only known for producing Disney reprints in Australia in 1984. It is possible Magman was involved in other forms of publishing or other comics publications.
1984 - 1984 32
FlagRegal Publications Disclose
Note: Circumstantial evidence points to Regal Publications as part of the Magazine Management group. The address for Regal Publications (81-83 Walker Street, North Sydney), was used by Magazine Management in the 1960s. The publisher reprinted Charlton and Quality stories, which were reprinted by other indicia publishers associated with Magazine Management. The comics include advertisements for magazines by Transpacific Publications, another part of the Magazine Management group.
1958 - 1963 29 (48)
FlagRosnock Pty. Ltd. Disclose
Note: Rosnock is associated with Ayers & James's successor, Magazine Management. The publisher continued Ayers & James distinctive Famous Yank Comics and Popular Yank Comics titles. Rosnock takes over publication of some series from Ayers & James's Red Circle Press. Rosnock (in a few variations) was Magazine Management's primary publisher name in the 1970s.
1949 - 1985 125 (126)
FlagRosnock Publications Disclose
Note: Rosnock is associated with Ayers & James successor, Magazine Management. The publisher continued Ayers & James distinctive Famous Yank Comics and Popular Yank Comics titles. It also took over publication of some series from Ayers & James's Red Circle Press. The company was Magazine Management's primary comic publisher in the 1970s, generally under this version of the indicia publisher (rather than with "Pty. Ltd.").
1969 - 1976 46 (47)
FlagRoyal Publications Disclose
Note: 81-83 Walker Street, North Sydney, N.S.W.
1960 - 1965 4
FlagSouth Pacific Publications Limited; Jubilee Publications Disclose
Note: Indicia on these comics typically reads "Co-published by South Pacific Publications Limited, Hong Kong, Philippines and Jubilee Publications, Australia."
1973 - 1979 26 (27)
FlagSouth Pacific Publications Limited; Rosnock Publications Disclose
Note: "Co-published by South Pacific Limited Hong Kong, Philippines and Rosnock Publications, Australia. Printed in the Philippines." Rosnock and Jubilee (which both co-published with South Pacific) were the most common publishers listed in Magazine Management comics during the 1970 and 1980s.
1974 - 1983 71 (104)
FlagThe Red Circle Press 1951 - 1958 118 (126)

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