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Publisher: Dreamwave Productions
Years in Operation: 2002 - 2005
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Country: Flag Canada Web Site: Brands: 1 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 51 Printings: 252 (187 Issues) Disclose Notes: Came to fame with "Transformers" and "Devil May Cry". Founded by brothers Roger and Pat Lee. The website is closed now but has been archived (http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.dreamwaveprod.ca/)   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Arkanium {Comic Books} 2002 - 2003 5
Banished Knights {Comic Books} 2002 - 2
Darkminds: Macropolis {Comic Books} 2002 - 4 (5)
Darkminds: Macropolis {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2.
2003 - 2004 4 (5)
Devil May Cry {Comic Books} 2004 - 3
Dreamwave Productions Preview 2002 {Comic Books} 2002 - 1
Duel Masters {Comic Books} 2003 - 2004 8 (14)
Duel Masters {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Duel Masters [Free Comic Book Day Edition] {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Fate of the Blade {Comic Books} 2002 - 2003 5
Maximo {Comic Books} 2004 - 1 (2)
MegaMan {Comic Books} 2003 - 2004 4 (7)
More Than Meets the Eye: Transformers Armada {Comic Books} 2004 - 3
Necrowar {Comic Books} 2003 - 3
Sandscape {Comic Books} 2003 - 4
Shidima {Comic Books} 2002 - 3
Shidima Collected {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Collects the first four issues of the Image title (Image, 2001 series), and the prequel from Warlands (Image, 1999 series) #10.
2002 - 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles {Comic Books} 2003 - 7
Transformers / G.I. Joe {Comic Books} 2003 - 2004 6 (9)
Transformers / G.I. Joe {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Transformers / G.I. Joe Pocket Edition {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Transformers / G.I. Joe: Divided Front {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: This was to be the 1st issue for a new 6-part miniseries featuring the Transformers and G.I. Joe lines by Dreamwave before the company folded due to bankruptcy and Hasbro retaking its license from them. Instead it became the only issue published for this second miniseries. This book also had 6 different covers for the series: 5 by Dreamwave (including two interlocking wraparound covers, a 2nd print and an incentive cover), as well as another exclusive cover done by Dreamwave released through Dynamic Forces.
2004 - 1 (5)
Transformers Armada {Comic Books} 2002 - 2003 19 (20)
Transformers Armada {Comic Books} 2003 - 2004 3 (4)
Transformers Armada: Free Comic Book Day Edition {Comic Books} 2003 - 1
Transformers Energon {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Transformers Energon {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Multiple covers exist for #19
2004 - 12 (14)
Transformers Energon Pocket Edition {Comic Books} 2004 - 2
Transformers Generation One: More Than Meets the Eye {Comic Books} 2004 - 2005 2
Transformers Micromasters {Comic Books} 2004 - 4 (10)
Transformers Poster Book {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Transformers Summer Special {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Transformers War Within {Comic Books} 2002 - 2004 2
Transformers War Within Pocket Edition {Comic Books} 2004 - 1
Transformers: Generation 1 {Hardcovers} 2002 - 1
Transformers: Generation 1 {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Transformers re-launch All 6 issues had 2 basic variant covers: an "Autobots" cover and a "Decepticons" cover. Each of these 12 books had a different centre spread by James Raiz, Alan Wang and (not credited on all spreads) Kenny Li. Arranging these centre spreads in a 4x3 grid yielded a larger image, in this order: [6A][3A][5A][6D] [4D][1D][2A][2D] [4A][3D][1A][5D]
2002 - 10 (19)
Transformers: Generation 1 {Trade Paperbacks} 2002 - 2004 2
Transformers: Generation 1 {Comic Books} 2003 - 6 (16)
Transformers: Generation 1 Preview {Comic Books} 2002 - 1
Transformers: Generation 1 Preview (Retailer Incentive Edition) {Comic Books} 2002 - 1
Transformers: Generation One {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Series only lasted for 11 issues (including #0) until Hasbro pulled its publishing license from Dreamwave Productions due to this company going bankrupt. 8-page black and white preview of unpublished #11 printed in The Comic Book Digest (Lamp Post Publications, 2004 series) #4. Issues contain variant covers. This is volume 3 of Dreamwave Productions' Transformers: Generation 1. Continues storyline from previous 2 miniseries (preview and 6 issues in 2002; 6 issues in 2003 aka vol.2).
2003 - 2004 11 (19)
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye {Comic Books} 2003 - 8
Transformers: The War Within {Comic Books} 2002 - 2003 6 (8)
Transformers: The War Within Preview {Comic Books} 2002 - 1
Transformers: War Within: The Age of Wrath {Comic Books} 2004 - 3 (5)
Transformers: War Within: The Dark Ages {Comic Books} 2003 - 2004 6 (10)
Warlands {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: "Issue 1/2, Vol. 2" one-shot. Sequel to WARLANDS The Age of Ice (Image, 2001 series) #0.
2002 - 1 (2)
Warlands Age of Ice {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Self-published continuation of second Warlands series, but labelled Vol. 1 in indicia. A 1/2 issue also exists: Warlands, Issue 1/2, Vol. 2 (Dreamwave Productions, April 2002). "Age Of Ice" portion of title appears in indicia only for issues #6 & #9.
2002 - 4
Warlands: Age of Ice {Comic Books} 2003 - 1
Warlands: Atrelegis {Comic Books} 2002 - 1
Warlands: Dark Tide Rising {Comic Books} 2002 - 2003 6

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