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Publisher: T. V. Boardman
Years in Operation: 1937 - 1961
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Country: Flag United Kingdom Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 2 Series: 27 Printings: 136 (133 Issues) Disclose Notes: Founded by Thomas Volney Boardman, the company published a wide array of material, including reprinted material from the United States.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Adventure Annual {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Part of the Boardman adventure series. Preceeded by Ajax Adventure Annual (1952) and followed by New Spaceways Comic Annual (1954) and then Okay Adventure Annual (1955).
1953 - 1
Ajax Adventure Annual {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: One of Boardman's traditional British comic/story annuals that accompanied their Rotogravure series. Others were the Adventure Annual series and the New Spaceways Comic Annual. Not numbered series, follows the Super Coloured Comic Annual (1949) series and continues with the Adventure Annual (1953) series.
1952 - 1
Blackhawk {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Blackhawk issues appear in the untitled Boardman three pence rotogravure series as issues 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 32, 40, 42, 44, 47, 57, 59, and 61. Series continues with color covers with #45 in 1953. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1948 - 1953 16
Buccaneers {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues probably exist.
1951 - ? 1
Buffalo Bill {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Buffalo Bill issues appear in the untitled Boardman three pence rotogravure series as issues 8, 10, 14, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 49. Series continues with color covers with #45 in 1953. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1948 - 1954 17
Buffalo Bill True West Annual {Hardcovers} 1961 - 1
Buffalo Bill Wild West Annual {Hardcovers} Disclose
Note: One of Boardman's traditional British comic/story annuals that accompanied their Rotogravure series. Others were the Adventure Annual series and the New Spaceways Comic Annual. These British annuals feature a mixture of comics, activities, and illustrated text stories. The dust jacket and board covers have the same painted illustration.
1949 - 1960 12
Captain Midnight {Comic Books} 1946 - 1
Crack Western {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Crack Western was a late addition to the untitled Boardman omnibus series as issues 48, 51, and 55. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature. Rotogravure printed.
1948 - 1954 5
Doll Man {Comic Books} 1951 - 1 (2)
Feature Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Reprints from US Quality comics. Each issue reprints half of an issue of Feature Comics.
1940 - 1941 5
The Lone Rider {Comic Books} 1950 - 1
Mystery Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Reprints from US Quality comics. Each issue reprints half of an issue of US Smash Comics and corresponds to a UK issue of Smash Comics. As stated at the bottom of the last story page: "Printed in Great Britain and published by the Proprietors T. V. BOARDMAN & CO. LTD. 14 Cockspur Street, London S. W. 1".
1940 - 1941 5
New Spaceways Comic Annual {Hardcovers} Disclose
Note: One of Boardman's traditional British comic/story annuals that accompanied their Rotogravure series. This title is now generally thought to be part of the Adventure Annual series. These British annuals feature a mixture of comic and illustrated text stories. The dust jacket and board covers have the same painted illustration. Although long rumored to exist, issue two is not documented to exist. Preceded by the Adventure Annual (1953) and followed by Okay Adventure Annual (1955).
1954 - 1
Okay Adventure Annual {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Part of the Boardman adventure series. Preceeded by New Spaceways Comic Annual (1954) and followed by the Okay Annual of Adventure Stories (1958).
1955 - 1957 3
Okay Annual of Adventure Stories {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Part of the Boardman adventure series. Preceeded by Okay Adventure Annual (1955) and followed by The First Book of Heroes (1960?). FBH has no comic strip content.
1958 - 1959 2
Okay Comics Weekly {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: US Newspaper strip reprints. Some issues have new cover art. Not to be confused with Okay Comics (United Features, 1940 series) or O.K. Comics (Hit Publications, 1940 series). This U.K. weekly is the series for which Eisner and Iger packaged material per Steven Rowe and Frank Motler. American comic strips previously printed in WAGS and moved to a new magazine.
1937 - 1938 20
Plastic Man {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Plastic Man was a late addition to the T. V. Boardman omnibus series as issues 56 and 60. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's omnibus series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1948 - 1954 4 (5)
Roy Carson {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Roy Carson issues appear in the untitled Boardman three pence rotogravure series as issues 1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 23, 34, 36, 46, and 54. Series continues with color covers with #45 in 1953. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1948 - 1954 8
Roy Carson Comic {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Boardman's rotogravure series continues with the addition of color covers and second features. Roy Carson issues appear in the untitled Boardman rotogravure series as issues 1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 23, 34, 36, 46, and 54. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1953 - 1954 2
Smash Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Reprints from US Quality comics. Each issue reprints half of an issue of US Smash Comics and corresponds to a UK issue of Mystery Comics.
1940 - 1941 6
Spaceways Comic {Comic Books} 1953 - 1
The Spirit {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: At least two Spirit reprint issues appear in the untitled Boardman three pence rotogravure series as issues 12 and 17. Series continues with color covers with #45 in 1953. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1948 - 1951 2
Super Coloured Comic Annual {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Part of the Boardman adventure series. Followed by Ajax Comic Annual in 1953.
1949 - 1951 3
Super Funnies {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Reprints from US Quality comics. Each issue reprints half of an issue of US Feature Comics and corresponds to a UK issue of Feature Comics.
1940 - 1941 5
Swift Morgan {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Swift Morgan issues appear in the untitled Boardman three pence rotogravure series as issues 2; 4; 6; 9; 16; 30; 38; 50; and 52. Series continues with color covers with #45 in 1953. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1948 - 1951 7 (8)
Swift Morgan Space Comic {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Boardman's rotogravure series continues with the addition of color covers and second features. Swift Morgan issues appear in the untitled Boardman rotogravure series as issues 2, 4, 6, 9, 16, 30, 38, 50, and 52. Although numbered individually, T.V. Boardman's rotogravure series never had an overall title. Issues are titled only with the name of their primary feature.
1953 - 1954 2

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