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Publisher: Alias
Years in Operation: 2005 - 2008
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: http://www.aliasenterprises.com/ Brands: 7 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 50 Printings: 191 (139 Issues) Disclose Notes: Alias Enterprises was founded in 2005 by Brett Burner and Mike S. Miller. It released comics under two imprints, Alias and Cross Culture. The company published 223 (including variants) comics between 2005 and 2007. Many of their comics were produced by the Bluewater studio who went on to form their own publishing company. In 2007 Burner and Miller parted ways with their future comics being published under Lamp Post and Abacus respectively. -- Earl Davis   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
ArmorQuest: Genesis {Comic Books} 2005 - 2006 1
ArmorQuest: Genesis {Comic Books} 2006 - 1
ArmorQuest: Genesis - Issue 1-6 Trade Paperback {Trade Paperbacks} 2006 - 1
Atomik Mike {Comic Books} 2006 - 4
The Blackbeard Legacy {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: New editions, with new covers and indicia, continue to be published by Bluewater Productions after their takeover of the series, post-2007. These are listed with the series The Blackbeard Legacy (Bluewater Productions, 2007 Series), though the dates are unknown.
2006 - 3 (5)
The Comic Book Digest {Comic Books} 2006 - 2
Daniel - Prophet of Dreams: Graphic Novel {Comic Books} 2006 - 1
David's Mighty Men {Comic Books} 2005 - 1 (2)
David: The Shepherd's Song {Comic Books} 2005 - 3
Deal with the Devil {Comic Books} 2005 - 5
The Devil's Keeper {Comic Books} 2005 - 3
The Dreamland Chronicles {Comic Books} 2005 - 2
Ed's Terrestrials {Hardcovers} Disclose
Note: Created by Scott Christian Sava. This hardcover was also published in 2006 by Blue Dream Studios.
2005 - 1
Elsinore {Comic Books} 2005 - 3
The Gimoles {Comic Books} 2005 - 1
Hyper-Actives {Comic Books} 2005 - 2006 5 (6)
Imaginaries {Trade Paperbacks} Disclose
Note: Collects The Imaginaries (Image, 2005 series) #1-4.
2006 - 1
Imperial Dragons {Comic Books} 2005 - 1
Johnny Caronte: Zombie Detective & The Revolver {Comic Books} 2005 - 1
Judo Girl {Comic Books} 2005 - 4 (8)
Judo Girl {Comic Books} 2006 - 4
Killer Stunts {Comic Books} 2005 - 4
Legend of Isis {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Story continues from Image Introduces... Legend of Isis (Image, 2002 series) #1. Story continues in Legend of Isis (Blue Water Productions, 2007 series) #1 (July 2007). Produced by Blue Water Productions. Created by Darren G. Davis.
2005 - 2006 10 (17)
Legend of Isis: Beginnings {Trade Paperbacks} 2005 - 1
Lethal Instinct {Comic Books} 2005 - 6 (7)
Lullaby {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Series continued from LULLABY: WISDOM SEEKER (Image, 2005 series).
2005 - 2006 4 (7)
Lullaby: Once Upon a Time...The Pied Piper of Hamelin {Comic Books} 2005 - 1
The Odyssey: Absolute Power {Comic Books} 2006 - 1
Opposite Forces {Comic Books} 2003 - 2004 4
Opposite Forces {Comic Books} 2005 - 4
Orion {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Story continues in Orion the Hunter (Bluewater Productions, 2008 series) #1 (January 2008).
2006 - 2
OZF5: Gale Force Graphic Novel {Trade Paperbacks} 2005 - 1
Pakkins' Land {Comic Books} 2005 - 5
Pakkins' Land {Comic Books} 2005 - 2006 6
Penny and Aggie {Comic Books} 2005 - 3
Pistolfist: Revolutionary Warrior {Comic Books} 2006 - 1 (2)
Pistolfist: Revolutionary Warrior Original Script {Comic Books} 2006 - 1
Revere {Comic Books} 2006 - 2007 4
Sixgun Samurai {Comic Books} 2005 - 2006 6
Soulcatcher {Comic Books} 2005 - 1
Ted Dekker's Saint: A Graphic Introduction {Comic Books} 2006 - 1
Tempest {Comic Books} 2006 - 1
Tenth Muse {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The indicia title changes to "10th Muse" with issue #7.
2005 - 2006 13 (29)
Tenth Muse: The Odyssey {Comic Books} 2005 - 1
Toy Box {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Cover title is THE TOY BOX. Created by Kevin Grevioux.
2006 - 1
TwinBlades: The Killing Words {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Cover title is "Adrian Todd's TwinBlades".
2006 - 3
Valkyries {Comic Books} 2006 - 2
Victoria’s Secret Service {Comic Books} 2005 - 2 (6)
XIII {Comic Books} 2005 - 5
Yenny {Comic Books} 2005 - 2006 8 (9)

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