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Publisher: Comic Art Publishers
Years in Operation: 1973
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 1 Printings: 2 Disclose Notes: "In general, the publishers of of comics (now owned by giant conglomerates) are too interested in the monthly profits. And that's why Comic Art Publishers was formed. As "fans" of the comic medium, we're out to prove to the comic establishment that they aren't the only ones who know how to handle the comic medium. In fact, their performance in the past has been so dreadful, we challenge the notion that they ever knew what they were doing."
"Comic Art Publishers will be different. We'll be more responsive to the desires of the readers, but more importantly, we'll be responsive to the few comic professionals and amateurs who can and want to do better material."
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Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Mr. A. {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Published with a 50c cover price. Some copies, however, were repriced to 75c by distributors using round, (usually red) pre-printed stickers. Repricing stickers are not considered a defect if neatly placed to cover the original price. Ditko's classic Objectivist vigilante. The character of Rorschach from "Watchmen" was based on Mr. A, as was Ditko's other faceless vigilante, The Question. .
1973 - 2

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