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Publisher: Wallace Wood
Years in Operation: 1969 - 1980
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 6 Printings: 24 Disclose Notes:     Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Cannon {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: In Comic Book Artist #16, Larry Hama states he worked for Wood lettering Cannon and Sally Forth and then alternating scripts with Wood on each strip; Alan Kupperberg states he lettered it, inked backgrounds and co-wrote. Gaspar Saladino was lettering before Kupperberg.
1978 - 1980 4
Heroes, Inc. {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Small press item from artist/publisher Wallace 'Wally' Wood. Intended for sale to United States Armed Forces members exclusively, this title flopped on initial release and was never widely circulated. It was fairly uncommon until a major warehouse find of the books surfaced in around the late-1970s. For a period the issue was available wholesale for less than 10ยข a copy. It is not commonly known how many copies were in the warehouse, but as late as 2005 a group of around 70,000 copies changed hands. It has been estimated that perhaps 250,000 uncirculated copies exist.
1969 - 1
Odkin Son of Odkin {Hardcovers} Age Restricted 1981 - 1
Sally Forth {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: In Comic Book Artist #16, Larry Hama states he worked for Wood lettering Cannon and Sally Forth and then alternating scripts with Wood on each strip; Alan Kupperberg states he lettered it, inked backgrounds and co-wrote. Gaspar Saladino was lettering before Kupperberg.
1976 - 1979 4
Witzend {Fanzines} 1966 - 1985 13
The Wizard King {Hardcovers} 1978 - 1

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