Series Name | Years in Print | Issues (Printings) |
Ally Sloper {Comic Books} | 1976 - 1977 | 4 |
Amazing Stories {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are a guess since the comics did not have a date in them.
1965 | 2 |
Amazing Stories of Suspense {Comic Books}
Note: Indicia title changes over the course of this run several times, though it is currently unknown when those changes takes place exactly.
Known for sure is:
#29, 30, 36, 37, 39, 47, 60, 62, 64, 69, 88, 100, 103, 113, 116, 118, 120 and 121 have indicia title of "Amazing Stories of Suspense".
#90 has "Suspense Stories".
#126, 128, 133, 134, 142, 143, 145, 151 and 156 have indicia title of "Suspense".
#161-163, 174, 179, 181, 188, 190, 208, 210, 214, 216, 217, 219-222, 232-235, and the "S" issue do not have an indicia title.
Cover title changes between "Amazing Stories of Suspense" and "Tales of Suspense" several times.
1963 - 1989 | 243 (244) |
Astonishing Stories {Comic Books}
Note: Date of publication is a guess since the comic did not have a date in it.
1965 - ? | 1 |
Astounding Stories {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1989 | 195 |
Blazing Frontiers {Comic Books} | 1965 - 1965 | 1 |
Blazing Trails {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are a guess since the comics did not have a date in them.
1965 - 1967 | 3 |
Creepy Worlds {Comic Books}
Note: For three issues, starting with #245, the series logo changes to "Creepy World", singular.
1962 - 1989 | 250 (251) |
Eerie Tales {Comic Books} | 1962 | 1 |
Hell-Fire Raiders {Comic Books} | 1966 | 1 |
Journey into Danger {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are speculation as with all Alan Class comics, no dates were provided by the publisher.
1965 - ? | 8 |
Just Dennis {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are a guess based on copyright dates in the indicias of each issue.
Issue #1 has no copyright date.
Issues #2, 3 and 5 read "Copyright January 1967 Hall Syndicate Inc. U.S.A."
Issue #4 reads "Copyright March 1967 Hall Syndicate Inc. U.S.A."
1966 - 1967 | 5 |
My Secret Confessions {Comic Books} | 1965 - 1965 | 1 |
Out of This World {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are a guess since the comics did not have a date in them.
1963 - ? | 24 (25) |
Out of This World {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are based on an analysis of prices and brands across Alan Class comics since the comics did not have a date in them.
1981 - 1982 | 10 (11) |
Outer Space {Comic Books} | 1961 - 1961 | 10 |
Race into Space {Comic Books} | 1961 | 1 |
Secrets of the Unknown {Comic Books} | 1962 - 1989 | 252 |
Sinister Tales {Comic Books}
Note: Issues are undated. Any dates shown here are estimates based on cover prices and surrounding issues.
1964 - 1989 | 228 (230) |
Space Trip to the Moon {Comic Books} | 1965 - ? | 1 |
Super Mouse {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are a guess since the comics did not have a date in them.
1960 - ? | 2 |
Tales of Action {Comic Books}
Note: Dates of publication are a guess since the comics did not have a date in them.
1965 - ? | 2 |
Tales of the Supernatural {Comic Books}
Note: Date of publication is a guess since the comic does not have a date in it.
1964 | 1 |
Tales of the Underworld {Comic Books}
Note: Several of the earlier issues show the title name as "Outer Space" within the indicia (publisher error?), but the cover artwork always lists the title as "Tales of the Underworld".
1960 | 10 |
Uncanny Tales {Comic Books} | 1963 - 1988 | 188 (190) |
Uncensored Love {Comic Books}
Note: Date of publication are a guess since the comic does not have a date on it.
1965 - 1966 | 1 |
Weird Planets {Comic Books} | 1962 - 1963 | 23 (24) |