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Publisher: Editrice Cenisio
Years in Operation: 1972 - ?
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Country: Flag Italy Web Site: Brands: 2 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 31 Printings: 974 Disclose Notes:     Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Gli Antenati {Comic Books} 1984 - 1985 4
Le Avventure di Buck Danny {Comic Books} 1967 - 1980 30
Batman {Comic Books} 1976 - 1981 71
Il Cavaliere Sconosciuto {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: [Title: The Unknown Knight.]
1967 - 1976 22
Flash {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Pubblicate le storie tratte da Flash, The (DC, 1959 series)dal nr. 230 al nr. 286; pubblicato anche nr. 124 e nr. 175. 50 pagine poi 32 pagine.
1978 - 1980 30
Furia {Comic Books} 1977 - 1978 52
Henry Sprint {Comic Books} 1970 - 1971 20
Lone Ranger {Comic Books} 1977 - 1978 6
La Pantera Rosa {Comic Books} 1975 - ? 111
La Pantera Rosa {Comic Books} 1982 - 1987 62
La Pantera Rosa {Comic Books} 1987 - 1992 60
Picchiarello {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: [Title: Woody Woodpecker.]
1981 - 1982 22
Picchiarello {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: [Title: Woody Woodpecker.]
1983 - 1987 20
Rin Tin Tin e Rusty {Comic Books} 1960 - 1968 100
Super Tarzan {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: La serie pubblica tutte le strisce giornaliere di Tarzan (in bianco e nero) disegnate da Russ Manning per la United Features Syndacate Inc. dalla numero 8857 del dicembre 1967 alla 10308 del 29/7/1972. Ogni albo è composto di 52 pagine (copertina inclusa)
1974 - 1975 10
Superman {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Gianni Bono is acknowledged to have been the editor of the series for three years, but he is uncredited as this in the book.
1976 - 1984 108
Superman Contro Flash {Comic Books} 1979 - 1
Superman e l'Uomo Ragno {Comic Books} 1981 - 1
Superman Selezione {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: [Title: Superman Selection.]
1977 - 1981 17
Tarzan {Comic Books} 1968 - 1974 100
Tarzan {Comic Books} 1974 - 1979 52
Tarzan Extra {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: La serie pubblica tutte le tavole domenicali di Tarzan dal 15 Marzo 1931al 28 Aprile 1940. Ogni albo è composto di 36 pagine. L'intenzione dell'editore era di raccogliere gli albi in un volume, infatti le pagine sono numerate progressivamente dalla I-XXX
1974 - 1977 15
Tarzan Gigante {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: In the beginning "Tarzan Gigante" had stories produced in Italy, with drawings by Guido Zamperoni, Lino Jeva and Ferdinando Fusco, and for Sweden, albeit with Spanish and South-American artists. It also carried "Korak" stories by Russ Manning, Nat Edson and Dan Spiegle. With #13 it began reproducing DC Comics material by Joe Kubert (issues #13-18, 20 and 22) and Frank Reyes, plus "Korak" by Frank Thorne, Murphy Anderson, Alex Niño and Rudy Florese. After the end of the first series of magazine "Tarzan Extra" in 1973 the "Gigante" proceeded with the publication of Burne Hogarth's Sundays from the 1940-44 period (issues #19, 21 and 23-25) and also Bob Lubbers' work (issues #17, 18). The very first issues also had complementary stories from Dell comic books, "Mission: Impossible" by Jack Sparling, "Daktari" by Bob Jenney, and also "Pantera Nera" by Guido Zamperoni. Posters were inserted into issues 1, 3-5, 8, 11-14, 16 and 23. Issues #2 and 19 had bonus stickers, issues #6 and 7 had card inserts, and #9 had tattoos gifts. Format and page count varied. The first six issues were supplements to "Tarzan - Vedette della T.V." from the same publisher, but with issue #7, dated April 1972, it became completely autonomous. Information provided by Leonardo De Sá. Followed by a second series single issue followed with third series began in December 5, 1979 and ended with issue #4, dated September 5, 1980.
1969 - 1977 25
Tarzan Gigante {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: First series 1969 - 1972, second series single issue 1979.
1979 - 1980 4
Tarzan Gigante {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Following the 1969 - 1977 series. Continues with third series began in December 5, 1979 and ended with issue #4, dated September 5, 1980.
1979 - 1
Tarzan Pocket {Comic Books} 1974 - 1980 9
Tarzan Selezione {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: L'albo presenta storie di Tarzan e Korak, personaggi letterari creati da Edgar Rice Burroghs
1977 - 1978 7
Tarzan Special {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: La serie pubblica le tavole domenicali di Tarzan disegnate da Russ Manning in bianco e nero dalla numero 1923 del gennaio 1968 alla 2449 del 1978. In prima e quarta di copertina sono riprese a colori vignette dell'interno. Supplemento a varie testate Cenisio.
1972 - 1978 11
Tarzan Speciale TV {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: L'albo è costituito da 2 parti; l'albo vero e proprio più la parte inferiore che costituisce un albo a striscia. L'albo presenta storie di Tarzan, personaggio letterario creato da Edgar Rice Burroghs
1977 - 1
Tarzan: La Pozza del Tempo {Comic Books} 1975 - 1
Tarzan: La Terra Dimenticata Dal Tempo {Comic Books} 1975 - ? 1

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