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Publisher: Raw Books
Years in Operation: 1979 - 1986
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 2 Series: 4 Printings: 16 Disclose Notes: Self publishing by Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Raw {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Hand-assembled with various inserts in treasury format. Includes 'Maus Chapter' #1 to #7 by Art Spiegelman as separate comics; which were affixed to inside back cover (#1, 4" x 6"; in Raw #2) or center folds (#2 to #7; 4" x 6" or 6" x 9"; in Raw #3 to #8) and sometimes seen separately. These chapters were published in revised form as: Maus: A Survivor's Tale (Pantheon, 1986 series). Chapter 5 has the 4-page 'Prisoner on the Hell Planet' woven into the narrative; this human holocaust story appeared originally in Short Order Comix (Head Press, 1973 series) #1 This series was followed by: Raw (Penguin, 1989 series) #1 to #3. See also Read Yourself Raw (Pantheon, 1987 series), which reprints excerpts from the first three issues, and Funny Aminals (Apex Novelties, 1972 series) for the first appearance of the Maus feature.
1980 - 1986 8
Raw One-Shot {Hardcovers} Disclose
Note: A series of solo books from artists who appeared in RAW magazine. The titles were "Jimbo" (Gary Panter, 1981), "How to Commit Suicide in South Africa" (Holly Metz & Sue Coe, 1982), "Jack Survives (Jerry Moriarty, 1984), "Invasion of the Elvis Zombies" (Gary Panter, 1984), "Big Baby" (Charles Burns, 1985) and "X" (Sue Coe, 1986).
1982 - 1986 6
Resist! {Comic Books} 2017 - ? 1
Work and Turn {Comic Books} 1979 - 1

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