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Publisher: Now
Years in Operation: 1986 - 1994
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 1 Indicia Publishers: 2 Series: 101 Printings: 789 (522 Issues) Disclose Notes: A division of Caputo Publishing, Inc.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
3 Ninjas Kick Back {Comic Books} 1994 - 1
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - The Four-Part Mini-Series {Comic Books} 1989 - 4 (8)
Alias: {Comic Books} 1990 - 5 (6)
Bats, Cats & Cadillacs {Comic Books} 1990 - 2 (3)
A Boy and His 'Bot {Comic Books} 1987 - 1
Dai Kamikaze! {Comic Books} 1987 - 1988 12 (13)
Eb'nn {Comic Books} 1986 - 1987 4
Freejack {Comic Books} 1992 - 4 (5)
Fright Night {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 22 (44)
Fright Night 1993 Halloween Annual {Comic Books} 1993 - 1 (2)
Fright Night 3-D Fall Special {Comic Books} 1992 - 1 (2)
Fright Night 3-D Special {Comic Books} 1992 - 1 (2)
Fright Night 3-D Winter Special {Comic Books} 1993 - 1
Fright Night Part II {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Ghostbusters II {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Adaptation of the Ghostbusters II movie.
1989 - 3 (6)
Ghostbusters II {Trade Paperbacks} 1989 - 1
The Green Hornet {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 1
1989 - 1991 15 (29)
The Green Hornet {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2
1991 - 1995 40 (61)
The Green Hornet Annual {Comic Books} 1992 - 1994 2 (3)
The Green Hornet Special Hard Bound Collector’s Edition {Hardcovers} Disclose
Note: Indicia title: THE GREEN HORNET Special Hard Bound Collector’s Edition
1990 - 1
The Green Hornet: Dark Tomorrow {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Three issue miniseries. This series depicts one possible future of the Reid and Kato families and their masked alter egos.
1993 - 3
The Green Hornet: Solitary Sentinel {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: This story takes place between The Green Hornet (Now Comics, 1989 series) #14 and The Green Hornet (Now Comics, 1991 series) #1.
1992 - 1993 3
Kato of the Green Hornet {Comic Books} 1991 - 1992 4
Kato of the Green Hornet II {Comic Books} 1992 - 2
Little Monsters {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Based on the 1989 United Artists fantasy film starring Fred Savage and Howie Mandel.
1990 - 6 (12)
Married... with Children {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Based on the Fox TV show.
1990 - 1991 7 (13)
Married... with Children {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2. Based on the Fox TV show.
1991 - 1992 7 (14)
Married... with Children 3-D Special {Comic Books} 1993 - 1 (2)
Married... with Children Special {Comic Books} 1992 - 1 (2)
Married... with Children: 1994 Annual {Comic Books} 1994 - 1 (2)
Married... with Children: 2099 {Comic Books} 1993 - 3 (6)
Married... with Children: Buck's Tale {Comic Books} 1994 - 1
Married... with Children: Bud Bundy, Fanboy in Paradise {Comic Books} 1994 - 1 (2)
Married... with Children: Flashback {Comic Books} 1993 - 3 (6)
Married... with Children: Kelly Bundy Special {Comic Books} 1992 - 3 (6)
Married... with Children: Kelly Goes to Kollege {Comic Books} 1994 - 3 (6)
Married... with Children: Lotto Fever {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Intended as a three issue limited series, but this was the final issue of Nows Married... with Children comics; the company went into bankruptcy.
1994 - 1
Married... with Children: Off Broadway {Comic Books} 1993 - 1 (2)
Married... with Children: Quantum Quartet {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Originally intended to be a four-issue limited series. Issues #3 and 4 were released as a flip-book. Story continues in Married... With Children: Quantum Quartet, The Big Wrap Up (Now, 1994 series) see https://www.comics.org/issue/303576/.
1993 - 2 (4)
Married... with Children: Quantum Quartet, The Big Wrap-Up {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Flipbook publishing parts #3 and 4 of the mini-series started in Married... With Children: Quantum Quartet (Now, 1993 series). Story continues from Married... with Children: Quantum Quartet (Now, 1993 series).
1994 - 1
Mirror Walker {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Was intended as a two-issue limited series.
1990 - 1 (2)
Mr. Lizard 3-D {Comic Books} 1993 - 1
Mr. Lizard Annual {Comic Books} 1993 - 1 (2)
Mr. T and the T-Force {Comic Books} 1993 - 1994 10 (12)
The New Adventures of Speed Racer {Comic Books} 1993 - 1994 8 (9)
The Now What?! Magazine {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 13
Original Astro Boy {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 20 (22)
Prime Slime Tales {Comic Books} 1986 - 1987 2
Racer X {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 11 (19)
Racer X {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2. Fast-paced action series featuring early work of writer Chuck Dixon and artist Todd Fox.
1989 - 1990 10 (20)
Racer X Premiere {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Ralph Snart Adventures {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 1. Ralph Snart is a C.P.A. who cracked under the pressure of life and is now in an asylum, where he has Walter Mitty-type fantasies.
1986 - 3
Ralph Snart Adventures {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2.
1986 - 1987 9
Ralph Snart Adventures {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 26 (44)
Ralph Snart Adventures {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 4.
1992 - 3 (5)
Ralph Snart Adventures {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 5.
1993 - 5
Ralph Snart Adventures 3-D {Comic Books} 1992 - 1 (2)
Ralph Snart Adventures Collection {Trade Paperbacks} Disclose
Note: Reprints from Ralph Snart comic series by Now.
1992 - 2
Ralph Snart: The Lost Issues {Comic Books} 1993 - 3 (4)
The Real Ghostbusters {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 28 (56)
The Real Ghostbusters {Comic Books} 1991 - 1992 4 (8)
The Real Ghostbusters 3-D Annual {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Cover title: The Real Ghostbusters 1993 Annual.
1992 - 1 (2)
The Real Ghostbusters 3-D Slimer Special {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Polybagged with 3-D glasses.
1993 - 1
Real Ghostbusters Annual {Comic Books} 1992 - 1 (2)
The Real Ghostbusters Spectacular 3-D Special {Comic Books} 1991 - 1 (2)
Rust {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 1.
1987 - 1988 13
Rust {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2.
1989 - 7 (14)
Silverwing Special {Comic Books} 1987 - 1
Slimer! {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 19 (38)
Slimer! {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Reprints from comic series Slimer!, published by Now.
1991 - 1
Speed Racer {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Based on the Japanese-made cartoon series that also aired on American television, beginning in September 1967.
1987 - 1990 38 (46)
Speed Racer {Comic Books} 1992 - 4
Speed Racer 3-D Special {Comic Books} 1993 - 1
Speed Racer Classics {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 2
Speed Racer featuring Ninja High School {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: parts 1 and 3 of a crossover with Ninja High School featuring Speed Racer; both issues had trading card inserts; indicia publisher: NOW Comics (a division of NOW Entertainment Corporation); cover has both NOW COMICS and Eternity logos.
1993 - 2
Speed Racer Special {Comic Books} 1988 - 1 (2)
Speed Racer: Return of the GRX {Comic Books} 1994 - 2
Sting of the Green Hornet {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: House ads and backissue information show the existence of bagged copies of each of these issues (labelled "Collectors' Edition") that came with posters of the covers. Unknown at this time whether the actual comics were exactly the same as the normally available ones or were different in some way. The "Collectors' Edition" may have been on the bag.(Information from Ted Watson via the Error List, December 2006).
1992 - 4 (8)
Supercops {Comic Books} 1990 - 4 (8)
Syphons {Comic Books} 1986 - 1987 7
Syphons {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2.
1994 - 3 (4)
Syphons Preview Edition {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: A preview of the second volume of Syphons, released by Now in 1994.
1993 - 1
Syphons: The Sygate Stratagem {Comic Books} 1994 - 3
Tales of the Green Hornet {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 2.
1991 - 1992 4
Tales of the Green Hornet {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 3.
1992 - 3 (4)
Tales of the Green Hornet Two Issue Mini-Series {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Volume 1.
1990 - 2
The Terminator {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 17 (34)
The Terminator: All My Futures Past {Comic Books} 1990 - 2 (3)
The Terminator: The Burning Earth {Trade Paperbacks} 1990 - 1
The Terminator: The Burning Earth {Comic Books} 1990 - 5 (10)
The Twilight Zone {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
The Twilight Zone {Comic Books} 1991 - 1992 12 (16)
The Twilight Zone {Comic Books} 1993 - 4
Twilight Zone 3-D Special {Comic Books} 1993 - 1 (2)
The Twilight Zone Annual {Comic Books} 1993 - 1
The Twilight Zone Premiere {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Released in two editions, one for the direct-market and one for the newsstand market. The direct-market edition has a wraparound cover, has no issue number on it, no UPC, and no price (though it sold for $2.50). The newsstand edition did not have a wraparound cover, does not have "The" in the indicia title, has an issue number on it, a UPC code, and a price. A squarebound edition with an additional story was released at the same time under the title The Twilight Zone Premiere / Prestige Edition. See that listing for details.
1991 - 1 (2)
The Twilight Zone Premiere / Prestige Edition {Comic Books} 1991 - 1
The Twilight Zone Science Fiction Special {Comic Books} 1993 - 1
Universal Soldier {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: All three issues were released in two editions: one for the direct market and one for newsstand distribution, with revised script and art to meet the requirements of the Comics Code.
1992 - 6 (7)
Valor Thunderstar and His Fireflies {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Only the first issue was published.
1986 - 1

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