Series Name | Years in Print | Issues (Printings) |
Batman {Comic Books} | 1969 - 1971 | 27 |
Buffalo Bill {Comic Books} | 1970 - 1971 | 19 |
C.I.A. Agent {Comic Books}
Note: Partly co-published with: 85-Cent Reeks (NL), Agentserien (SE) and Agent Serien (NO)
1968 - 1970 | 21 |
Charles Rand, Chefagent for "SUNDAY" {Comic Books}
Note: Co-published with BSV - Williams (DE) (
1967 | 3 |
Dennis {Comic Books}
Note: Also referred to as "Dennis. Nye historie om - " as printed on cover
1965 - 1970 | 46 |
Dennis holder jul {Comic Books} | 1969 | 1 |
Detektivserien {Comic Books} | 1962 - 1963 | 14 |
Doktor Solar {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1968 | 12 |
Edderkoppen {Comic Books}
Note: Co-published with SE: and later (#4) with FI: - based on the DE issues being published a couple of months earlier:, together with NL:
1967 - 1969 | 22 |
Eventyrserien {Comic Books} | 1957 - 1967 | 132 |
De fantastiske 4 {Comic Books} | 1967 - 1969 | 20 |
Filmklassikere {Comic Books} | 1962 - 1963 | 18 |
Flax {Comic Books} | 1969 - 1971 | 0 |
Front serien {Comic Books} | 1965 - 1972 | 87 |
Gøg og Gokke {Comic Books} | 1963 - 1976 | 87 |
Gøg og Gokke Ekstranummer {Comic Books} | 1968 - 1969 | 2 |
Gøg og Gokke Julenummer {Comic Books} | 1969 | 1 |
Gunfight-serien {Comic Books}
Note: Joint-European Series. Published in other countries as: Sheriff Classics (The Netherlands), Sheriff Klassiker (Germany), Star Western (Norway), Stjärn Western (Sweden), and likely others.
1966 - 1974 | 94 |
Hævnerne {Comic Books} | 1967 | 2 |
Helgenen {Comic Books}
Note: First 4 issues probably co-published with NL - or DE -
Next 4 issues probably taken from NO -
Last 3 issues probably taken from NO -
1967 - 1968 | 11 |
Idolmagasinet {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1968 | 42 |
Illustrerede Klassikere {Comic Books} | 1956 - 1976 | 227 |
Illustrerede Klassikere Ekstra {Comic Books} | 1958 - 1966 | 12 |
John Drake {Comic Books} | 1967 | 2 |
Kamp-serien {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1973 | 77 |
King Kong {Comic Books} | 1970 | 1 |
Kontraspionage {Comic Books} | 1968 | 6 |
Krigs-serien {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1978 | 140 |
Lommeserien {Comic Books} | 1964 - 1966 | 22 |
Lynet {Comic Books} | 1971 | 4 |
Mad bog {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1973 | 9 |
Magnus, Robotternes overmand år 4000 {Comic Books} | 1968 - 1969 | 7 |
Maverick {Comic Books} | 1963 - 1966 | 29 |
Metalmænd {Comic Books} | 1968 - 1969 | 11 |
Metamorpho {Comic Books} | 1968 - 1969 | 11 |
Mirakelmanden {Comic Books} | 1967 | 1 |
Det ny børneblad. Pellefant & Co. {Comic Books} | 1967 - 1970 | 33 |
OK-bladet {Comic Books} | 1962 - 1963 | 17 |
Pellefant {Comic Books} | 1970 - 1971 | 7 |
Romantic {Comic Books} | 1968 - 1971 | 33 |
Rumfamilien Robinson {Comic Books} | 1967 - 1969 | 8 |
Samson den uovervindelige {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1968 | 7 |
Spionage {Comic Books} | 1968 | 6 |
Stjerneklassiker {Comic Books} | 1969 - 1970 | 12 |
Superboy {Comic Books} | 1969 - 1971 | 27 |
Superman {Comic Books} | 1969 - 1971 | 53 |
Tarzan {Comic Books} | 1965 - 1971 | 106 |
Teenage magasinet {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1971 | 54 |
Tex Willer {Comic Books} | 1971 - 1976 | 18 |
Tomahawk {Comic Books} | 1969 - 1971 | 6 |
Turok {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1968 | 13 |
Verden i tekst og billeder {Comic Books} | 1959 - 1963 | 34 |
Vicky {Comic Books} | 1971 | 0 |
Westernserien {Comic Books} | 1966 - 1970 | 0 |