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Publisher: United Feature
Years in Operation: 1931 - 2011
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 1 Indicia Publishers: 4 Series: 29 Printings: 597 (596 Issues) Disclose Notes:     Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
The Captain and the Kids {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The cover and indicia titles are simply The Captain and the Kids. There were actually 3 Special Issues -- the first being the 50th anniversary issue.
1948 - 2
The Captain and the Kids {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: There were 15 Captain & The Kids US comics before this series: One Okay Comics (7/1940); eleven Comics on Parade (late 1940 to 12/47, plus July 1946 Special Issue); and 3 Captain & Kids special issues (Spring-Fall 1948).
1949 - 1955 17
Captain and the Kids 50th Anniversary Special {Comic Books} 1948 - 1
Comics on Parade {Comic Books} 1938 - 1955 104
Comics on Parade Special Issue {Comic Books} 1946 - 1948 1
Curly Kayoe {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: No #3 published. #3 may have been replaced by United Presents Curly Kayoe (United Features, 1948 series) #Special Fall Issue.
1946 - 1950 7
Drums of Doom {Comic Books} 1937 - 1
El Bombo Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Frances M. McQueeny seems to have acted as surrogate for United Features. Previous conclusions that he acted as surrogate for Standard in publishing this title failed to note that this title precedes the other Standard titles featuring United Features strips by about 2 years.
1946 - 1
Fight for Love {Comic Books} 1952 - 1
Fritzi Ritz {Comic Books} 1948 - 1
Fritzi Ritz {Comic Books} 1949 - 5
Fritzi Ritz {Comic Books} 1953 - 1954 10
Gags {Comic Books} 1937 - 1
Jim Hardy Comics Book {Comic Books} 1944 - 1
Looy Dot Dope {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Same as Single Series #13 (dual series name and numbering). See that issue for complete details.
1939 - 1
Nancy-Sluggo {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: There's no direct connection, but at the time the first issue (#16) was published, there had been 15 issues of Comics on Parade starring Nancy (with Fritzi Ritz). Nancy remained the main feature of Comics on Parade until its end, with Sluggo eventually becoming her 'co-star'.
1949 - 1955 8
Okay Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Not to be confused with Okay Comics Weekly (T. V. Boardman Ltd., 1937 series) or O.K. Comics (Hit Publications, 1940 series). This is *not* the series for which Eisner and Iger packaged material per Steven Rowe and Frank Motler. A back cover scan provided by Frank Motler confirms the United Features Syndicate connection as it is cross-advertised with other UFS titles.
1940 - 1
Peanuts {Comic Books} 1954 - 1
Single Series {Comic Books} 1938 - 1942 30 (31)
Spark Man Comics {Comic Books} 1945 - 1
Sparkle Comics {Comic Books} 1948 - 1954 33
Sparkler Comics {Comic Books} 1940 - 2
Sparkler Comics {Comic Books} 1941 - 1954 120
Tip Top Comics {Comic Books} 1936 - 1954 188
Tip Topper Comics {Comic Books} 1949 - 1954 28
United Comics {Comic Books} 1940 - 1
United Comics {Comic Books} 1950 - 1953 19
United Feature Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The weekly comic strip copyright book sent to the Copyright Office, New York City-area newsstands, and some subscribers reprinting the original proof sheets of the upcoming week's worth of comic strips. Meant to be used to help in securing copyright of the strips. Title of the comic had an exclamation mark with it in the 1980s, but it seems to be just a part of the graphic design (as the title was in a word balloon) and not really a change in the publication's title. Start year of 1939 confirmed in the submission to the U.S. Copyright Office recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1941, New Series, Volume 36, Number 3.
1939 - ? 9
United Presents Curly Kayoe {Comic Books} 1948 - 1

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