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Publisher: Reiner-Feest-Verlag
Years in Operation: 1981 - 1990
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Country: Flag Germany Web Site: Brands: 5 Indicia Publishers: 3 Series: 103 Printings: 311 (308 Issues) Disclose Notes: 1991 an "Egmont Ehapa" verkauft und dort als "Feest Comics" integriert.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Abenteuer Classics {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 5
Die Abenteuer der Minimenschen {Comic Books} 1987 - 1991 11
Die Abenteuer von Chick Bill {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 3
Ein Abenteuer von Sophie {Comic Books} 1987 - 1990 6
Die Abenteuer von Spirou {Comic Books} 1985 - 1986 16
Das abenteuerliche Leben des Jerry Jetson {Comic Books} 1990 - 1991 1
Adolphus Claar {Comic Books} 1986 - 1
Alix {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 4
Anni + Peter {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Ariane {Comic Books} 1987 - 1990 7
Axa {Comic Books} 1985 - 1990 8
Axa - Die Unbesiegbare {Comic Books} 1988 - ? 1
Axa Sonderband {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 2
Batman {Comic Books} 1986 - 2
Big City Blues {Comic Books} 1987 - 1
The Black Terror {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Bob Morane {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 8
Buddy Longway {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
The Building {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Carmen Bond {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
City People Notebook {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Comic Spiegel {Comic Books} 1983 - 1990 34
Comic Spiegel Extra {Comic Books} 1985 - 1986 2
Die Comics des Blutes {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Comicspiegel {Comic Books} 1980 - 1981 5
Cori, der Schiffsjunge {Comic Books} 1987 - 1990 3
Danny {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 2
Dein Freund und Helfer {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 4
Doktor Poche {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Edition phantastische Abenteuer {Comic Books} 1989 - 1994 11
Der edle Gilles und der Drache von Mons {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Der Einzelgänger {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Engel aus Stahl {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Erwin {Comic Books} 1987 - 1
L'etat Morbide {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Feest Graphic Novel {Trade Paperbacks} 1990 - 1991 2
Das Fieber des Stadtplaners {Comic Books} 1989 - 1 (2)
Der Fischer von Brooklyn {Comic Books} 1986 - ? 1
Frank Cappa - Der letzte Afrikaner {Comic Books} 1984 - 1
Frank Cappa in Brasilien {Hardcovers} 1983 - 1
Funny-Classics im Feest-Verlag {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 5
Geheimagent X9 {Trade Paperbacks} 1981 - 1987 6 (8)
Giacomo C. {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Nachdruck #1-3 und weitere Fortsetzung ab #4 in Giacomo C. (comicplus+, 2001 Series).
1989 - 1990 2
Ginger {Comic Books} 1990 - 1991 2
Gully {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 3
Hammer Comicbuch {Comic Books} 1983 - 1
Havok & Wolverine - Meltdown {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Die heldenhaften Reiter {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 2
Hombre {Comic Books} 1985 - 1986 2
Hugo & Toto {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Im Schatten der Sonne {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 3
Ivor {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 3
Janet {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Jhen {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 5
Jimmy Wynberg {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 2
Johnny Hazard {Comic Books} 1986 - 1987 3
Jungle Jim {Comic Books} 1981 - 1
Jungle Jim {Trade Paperbacks} 1985 - 1987 2
Kampf um Syrakus {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Kane {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Der Lebensrubin {Comic Books} 1986 - ? 1
Lifeforce {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Made in USA {Trade Paperbacks} 1989 - 1991 4
Malefosse der Söldner {Comic Books} 1987 - 1990 5
Die Mauern von Samaris {Comic Books} 1990 - ? 1
Die Mauern von Samaris {Comic Books} 1990 - ? 1
Memed, mein Falke {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Mic Mac Adam {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 4
Munro {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Der namenlose Pirat {Comic Books} 1988 - 1
Natascha {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 3
Parodien {Comic Books} 1989 - 2
Die Pforten des Himmels {Comic Books} 1987 - 1990 5
Die phantastischen Abenteuer von Yvain und Yvon {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 2
Pharaon {Comic Books} 1989 - 1990 3
Pirat Schwarzbart und Old Nick {Comic Books} 1987 - 1990 6
Der Planwagen des Thespis {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
The Punisher {Trade Paperbacks} 1990 - 1
Ringo {Comic Books} 1989 - 1991 2
Roland - Ritter Ungestüm {Comic Books} 1988 - 1989 4
Der Rote Falke {Comic Books} 1986 - 1989 3
Sarvan {Comic Books} 1984 - 1987 3
Scout {Comic Books} 1990 - 1
Serge Morand {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 3
Soda {Comic Books} 1989 - 2
Somoza und Gomorra {Comic Books} 1985 - 1
Spirit {Hardcovers} 1986 - 1989 3
Spirit {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The Daily Spirit by Will Eisner
1986 - 1987 2
Steve Canyon {Comic Books} 1985 - 1988 6
Sunshine City {Comic Books} 1989 - 1
Superman {Comic Books} 1986 - 1988 3
Terry und die Piraten {Comic Books} 1985 - 1987 4
Das Testament des Gottfried von Bouillon {Comic Books} 1986 - ? 1
Tim Tyler's Luck {Comic Books} 1985 - 1986 3
Tristan {Comic Books} 1989 - 2
Tunga {Comic Books} 1987 - 1989 3
Der Turm {Trade Paperbacks} 1988 - 1
Der Turm {Hardcovers} 1988 - 1
Die Vagabunden der Unendlichkeit {Comic Books} 1990 - 2
Das Zeichen der Adler {Comic Books} 1988 - 1990 4

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