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Publisher: Editors Press Service
Years in Operation: 1936 - 1940
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 2 Printings: 292 Disclose Notes: Editors Press Service published material printed in the United States for distribution overseas. According to Peter Hansen as quoted in Ken Quattro's "The Comics Detective" blog, Editors Press Service was formed by Joshua B. Powers publishing in the U.S. with T. V. Boardman distributing in the U.K. Boardman also had is own U.K. publications (see http://www.comics.org/publisher/192/ )

Years based on the known dates of the Australian version of WAGS, which started before the British version and ended long after. It seems likely that other comic publications (possibly strips rather than books) were distributed earlier as the company may have started as early as 1933, but nothing has yet been confirmed.

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Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Wags [Australia] {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Wags was published and printed in the United States for distribution in Australia. It was also distributed in New Zealand, but whether this exact series was distributed there or a separate version is not currently known. Wags was also published for distribution in the United Kingdom, but as there are numerous differences between the Australian and U.K. editions they are considered separate series. The Australian distributor appears to have been United Press, Melbourne, throughout the run, although this is not confirmed outside of a few issues. Most information from Peter Hansen and Ken Quattro by way of Ken's "The Comics Detective" blog: http://thecomicsdetective.blogspot.com/2010/03/wonderful-wags-of-oz.html http://thecomicsdetective.blogspot.com/2010/04/return-to-wonderful-wags-of-oz.html A different account of the number of issues comes from Ken Harman of Book Palace: http://www.bookpalace.co.uk/OzComics/Wags/INDEX.HTM
1936 - 1940 204
Wags [UK] {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Published and printed in the United States for distribution in the United Kingdom. Wags was also distributed in Australia and New Zealand, but there are numerous differences between the two editions so they are considered separate series. Most information taken from Denis Gifford's "The American Comic Book Catalogue: The Evolutionary Era, 1884-1939" Distributed by Joshua B. Powers Ltd. [#1-28] and then T. V. Boardman & Co. Ltd. [#29-88], both at 14 Cockspur Street, London WC2
1937 - 1938 88

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