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Publisher: Ibero Mundial de ediciones
Years in Operation: 1959 - 1988
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Country: Flag Spain Web Site: Brands: 0 Indicia Publishers: 1 Series: 24 Printings: 2493 Disclose Notes: Barcelona (España)
Fundador & Director: José María Arman Corbera
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Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Angel Audaz {Comic Books} 1962 - 1963 10
Aquí Marilín {Comic Books} 1963 - 1964 32
Belle Star {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Each 60-page comic consists of a color cover, a blank inside front cover page, 56 comic story pages consisting of only 1-2 illustrated panels each in black & white, a blank inside back cover page, and a final advertisement back cover in color from the publisher for other adult titles. Publishing dates are estimated as 1977-1978 based on the Depósito legal # entries on the indicia, as there are no cover dates or copyright dates anywhere else within these comics.
1977 - 1978 6
Claro de Luna {Comic Books} 1959 - 1971 621
Claro de Luna Extra {Comic Books} 1959 - 1967 24
El Delfin Negro {Comic Books} 1964 - 1965 42
Delta 99 {Comic Books} 1968 - 1971 27
Dossier Negro {Comic Books} 1968 - 1979 124
Dossier Negro Extra {Comic Books} 1972 - 1978 6
Gringo {Comic Books} 1970 - 1972 22
Lilian Azafata del Aire {Comic Books} 1960 - 1961 48
Mary Noticias {Comic Books} 1962 - 1971 484
Mary Noticias Extra {Comic Books} 1964 - 1967 40
Mata Ratos {Comic Books} 1965 - 1974 281
Mata Ratos Segunda Epoca {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The MATA RATOS second series contains more adult humor, cover girls, assorted nudity, and rotating comic stories and cartoon features from many creators.
1975 - 1977 45
Python {Comic Books} 1969 - 1971 29
Ringo Ley {Comic Books} 1965 - 1967 42
Romantica {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Also referred to as 'Seleccion Romantica'. This was the title on the covers in the early issues (although 'Romantica' was always much more prominent). The indicia listed only publisher information, not the title of the series. 'Seleccion' was eventually dropped from the cover title and the series is often referred to as simply 'Romantica'.
1961 - 1968 393
Rufus {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: continuó en Rufus (Garbo editorial, 1974 Series) #19
1973 - 1974 18
Rufus Extra {Comic Books} 1974 - 2
Safari {Comic Books} 1965 - 1967 74
Vampus {Comic Books} 1971 - 1975 39
Vampus Extra {Comic Books} 1972 - 1974 4
Zoltan el Cíngaro {Comic Books} 1963 - 1964 80

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