This Pearson series used a confusing internal numbering system, initially incorporating the Feature reference (Charlie Chan - CC; Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans - HE etc), then the number of issues that that particular character had appeared in - 1, 2, 3 etc. Followed by the month and year of publication. Hence the first issue of Charlie Chan is numbered CC/1/6/58.
After 15 issues, the series reverted to a standard numbering system on the cover for 12 issues. These new issues also used a different internal numbering system of Feature reference; number in the series; date of publication (now including the day as well as the month and year); and the number of times that the character had appeared in the series. Hence the first issue within this part of the series was WT/1/28/2/59/1 which is William Tell/#1/28th February 1958 and the first appearance of William Tell in this series.
After these 12 issues, the cover issue number disappeared, but the internal numbering continued until the end.
Due to the complicated numbering, this series will be shown in order of when they were published with the full internal reference number used. The 12 issues with a cover number will have that issue number plus the internal reference number.
Emergency Ward 10 was part of this series for the first four issues of the title. In February 1959 it was split from TV Picture Stories into its own series with issue 5. Neither the Emergency Ward 10 series nor TV Picture Stories advertised each other in their pages from this point.