The famous Hostess ads often found on page 29 of the monthly comics, directly opposite the Bullpen Bulletins page. Product names include Twinkies, Fruit Pies and Cup Cakes.
Marvel Hostess ad notes
1. There were 67 individual strips appearing in 69 months, with two months featuring reprints of earlier ads.
2. September through October from 1976-1978, December of 1978, and August through September 1979 featured more conventional Hostess ads rather than comic strips with Marvel characters.
3. The first five strips, covering May 1975 through April 1976, appeared in every Marvel comic for their given two-month run.
4. From May 1976 through October of 1978, each two-month period had a primary strip featuring a major character (say, Spider-Man) along with a secondary strip that appeared in all titles featuring the major character (say, a Captain Marvel strip that ran in all the Spider-Man books for those two months). November of 1978 has new primary and secondary strips even though December of 1978 featured generic Hostess ads.
5. From January 1979 through June 1979 each two-month period had two strips, one primary the first month and the other secondary that month, the other primary the second month and the first ad secondary that month.
6. From July 1979 through April 1982 each month featured its own ad, with the primary character's titles featuring the previous month's ad, or occasionally a different prior ad.