Stories include Grass Green's "Incest," Daniel Clyne's "Dr. Lum Bago's Creation," Tim Boxell's "Bread," "The Grip of the Grave" and Wendal Pugh's "There's 1 Born Every Minute."
These stories were only included in the first six printings of the issue. The seventh through ninth printings actually reprinted issue #2. It's unclear at this time why this choice was made, but perhaps the censorship battles of the mid-80s had something to do with that decision.
Underground Comix are known for using different prices, covers (art or color variations) and interior content to distinguish different printings.
1st print May 1972 has 0.50 USD cover price with 54321 on inside front cover.
2nd print October 1972 has 0.65 USD cover price with 5432 on inside front cover.
3rd print April 1974 has 0.65 USD cover price and says which printing on inside front cover.
4th print June 1976 has 0.75 USD cover price and says which printing on inside front cover.
5th print March 1977 has 0.75 USD cover price 10987654 on inside front cover.
6th print 1978 has 0.75 USD cover price with 109876 on inside front cover.