Vol.1, No.1, MARVEL COMICS, Oct., 1939 Published monthly by Timely Publications, publication office, 81 Spring St., Newark, N. J. Executive office, 330 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Art and editorial by Funnies Incorporated, 45 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Application for entry as Second Class Matter pending at the Post Office at Newark, N. J. Yearly subscription in U. S. and Canada, $1.50; elsewhere $2.00. No actual person is named or delineated in this magazine. Copyright, 1939 by Timely Publications. Printed in U.S.A. Vol.1, No. 1, MARVEL COMICS, Nov., 1939
[The final repetition of the volume/issue/title number with the Nov. date is present only on the 2nd printing. Some but not all issues of the second printing reportedly had the October information at least partially blacked out.]
According to Rip at the collector-society.com boards, the print runs were 80,000 on the October edition and 800,000 on the November edition.