Underground Comix are known for using different prices, covers (art or color variations) and/or interior content to distinguish different printings.
1st print December 1972 has 0.50 USD cover price. Regular newsprint and glossy cover. On the inside front cover, the ghoul figure has no screentone shading, which he does have in subsequent printings. On page 34, there is a graphic for Last Gasp that states "1st Edition," which does not exist on subsequent printings.
First 100 copies printed on silver paper. Given to employees and friends of Last Gasp.
2nd print has 0.50 USD cover price. Last Gasp cover logo is white. Page 34 ad is an Amorphia ad.
3rd print has 0.50 USD cover price. Last Gasp cover logo is now yellow. Grey zip-a-tone added to inside front cover.
4th print has 0.50 USD cover price. Page 34 ad is now Mind Candy for the Masses.
5th print has 1.00 USD cover price.